Page 68 of Tell Me No Lies
I look around the faces staring back at me and almost shift on my feet. I wasn’t necessarily expecting applause, but the confused expressions have my words stalling out. I’ve finally gotten to the point where I know I’m not doing anything wrong by being with Piper, but their reactions make me worry they don’t feel the same.
Amber, one of my newer employees and the detailer in our paint shop, is the first to speak. “Are you fucking with us?” She looks at her coworkers. “He’s fucking with us, right?”
Piper’s brows lift and I can see words working their way up her throat, so I pull her into my side, holding tight because I’m not one-hundred percent sure what she’s about to do. “I’m serious. We’re together.”
Amber snorts out a laugh. “Holy crap, Tate. We already know you’re together.” She juts her chin forward, regarding me like I’m the biggest dumbass she’s ever seen. “You guys have been fucking in your office for weeks.”
I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.
“That happened once.” Piper scoffs, crossing her arms as she whispers under her breath, “Weeks my ass.”
“I think what Amber is trying to say,” Nancy comes up beside us to rest one hand on my shoulder, “is that we’re all unsurprised, but also very happy you finally found someone who will put up with your shit.”
Relief makes me laugh. “My shit?”
Nancy peers at me over her glasses. “Has she been inside your house?”
Piper snorts.
“I think what Nancy’s trying to say is,” Crystal pauses, “has she discovered you live on grilled cheese and leftovers?”
“At least someone will finally make him get rid of all his ratty, old T-shirts.” Nikki, one of my best mechanics, holds a palm to the side of her mouth as she leans toward Piper. “Between you and me, they probably all need to go.”
“I’m right here.” I glance down. “And what in the hell is wrong with my shirts?” I know they’re a little worn-in, but I work at an auto shop. What do they want from me?
Nikki’s eyes widen in mock innocence. “Nothing. They’re exactly the kind of shirts I’d expect a single man to wear.”
Piper presses her lips together in an unsuccessful attempt to hide the smile working across them, and I decide I shouldn’t be having all the fun.
“In related news…” Unlike Piper, I don’t try to hide my smile. “Piper’s pregnant.”
The whole room erupts into excited squeals as my staff surrounds us.
No, not us. Piper.
I’m elbowed out of the way as they fuss over her and prove she won’t be unmothered any longer.
I watch for a few minutes, feeling settled deep in my soul for the first time in my life. Certain my future won’t be tainted by the past I built a fucked-up foundation on, wondering why in the hell nothing I put on it held up.
Piper is starting to look a little pale, and a sheen of sweet clings to her upper lip, so I duck out, knowing she’ll be in good hands while I get the crackers and soda I forgot to bring in my haste to see the truth I already knew.
No one notices as I slip out the back door, going straight toward where my SUV is parked, feeling fucking weightless.
Then my eyes land on my Jeep and I come to a stop, not really believing what I’m seeing. All four of my tires are slashed and deep gouges run up the doors and across the hood. A popping sound makes me jump just before the alarm starts to wail.
“What the fu—”
A man steps out from behind my vehicle. A hammer is clutched in one hand as his dead eyes fall on my face. A slow sneer twists his lips. “Didn’t expect you to get out here so soon.”
THE RESPONSE TO our news is a weight off my shoulders. I’m not sure how Tate would have reacted if the girls were upset to find out we’re together. Probably not well. And I’d have thrown a whole-ass fit over it if they upset him.
But no fits had to be thrown and now I’m surrounded by all my coworkers who are already planning a carry-in to celebrate. I’d be excited about it if my stomach wasn’t already rolling at the mention of food.