Page 39 of Jasper
Which is why I'm in here right now, hiding out. I'm sick of him treating me like I'll break if he so much as even looks at me with any heat in his gaze. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I fluff my hair and purse my lips, before wrapping a towel around my naked body.
"Daisy Mae, are you okay?" Jasper yells through the door.
He's probably standing on the other side, counting down the minutes I've been in here. I can imagine him checking his watch and imagining the worst. "I'm fine. I'll be out in just a few minutes."
"Alright." There's annoyance in his tone.
I smirk. He's only going to sit out there for so long. Eventually he'll start knocking again. That's what I'm after. I want him to barge in all hot and bothered, all because I'm hot and bothered. Having a seat on the bathtub, I twirl my hair around my finger and cross my legs, swinging my foot. It shouldn't take him very much longer to come in.
And right on time, he opens the door. "I needed to check on you."
I stand, giving him a smile. "I hoped you would."
"You hoped I would?" He crosses his arms over his chest, his eyebrows screwing together. "What does that mean? Don't play with me after what I've been through with you."
"I'm not playing with you." I tilt my head to the side. "I want you. I miss you. I need to feel like myself again, and we haven’t made love since you finally admitted you really do like me. I wanna do that again, Jasper. Right now. You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine."
"You're not fine," he argues. "You could've died."
Ugh. "I could've, but I didn't. I'm alive and yeah I've been a little worse for wear..." I admit. "But I'm okay. I lived, and I'll continue living." I walk toward him, my fingers on the towel. "I can't keep thinking about what may have happened. It didn't. We have to move on. I don't want to live in the past, Jasper. We did that for far too long. I want us to have a great marriage. We can't do that until you stop treating me like I'm going to break."
"But you might."
"I won't." I tilt my head to the side. "I want you, Jasper, and I want us to have a baby…to start a family of our own. I ache to feel as close to you as I can, and in order for me to do that, I need you to hold me. I need you to put your lips on mine, hover your body over mine, and I want you to take me. Can you do that?"
His fingers curl into fists, his nails digging into his palms. "I can."
My gaze travels up, his strong jaw is ticking as he grinds his back teeth together. "Look at you." I roll my lips together, before letting my tongue sneak out and wet them. "Barely holding yourself back. I don't want you to. I want you to manhandle me. I want you to show me I'm alive, that I didn't die in that accident. I need to know that we have a future and this hasn't scared you off." I drop the towel, letting it pool around my feet.
His growl is loud in the quiet room, and he advances on me. Within three steps he's closed the distance between us and banded an arm around my waist. The other hand goes to palm my cheek. "You're playing with a dangerous man, wife. I haven't had you in weeks, and since we started fucking again we haven't been that long without each other yet."
"I know," I moan. "Which is why I need you, and if you keep calling me wife, I'm just going to lie down on the bed and take care of myself while you watch." I'm so fucking hot for him, this isn't a threat. It's the God's honest truth.
"The fuck you will." He reaches down, hooking me around the back of my thighs and picks me up. "I don't wanna hurt you." His voice is low and soft, so much different than he normally is.
"You're not going to hurt me. Just fuck me slow."
He bites his lip, inhaling deeply, nose flaring. "I can smell your arousal. You're ready for me, aren't you?"
"I've been ready, Jasper. Put me out of my misery."
He carries me to the bed, laying me down against the cool sheets. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pull him down, kissing him with everything I have. Our tongues fight with one another, and when he bites my lip, I'm a goner.
As is always the way with us, it doesn't take him long to get me primed and ready. Slipping inside me, he rocks into my core, touching every part of where I need him to. Dipping his chin into his chest, he moves down to my breast, taking my nipple in between his lips, tugging as he pulls in and thrusts back in.
Hitching my leg up around his hip, I open my thighs to him. He pushes himself back up my body.
"You feel so fucking good. Is this gonna be it?" he asks.
"Gonna be what?" I close my eyes, letting him play me like an instrument that only he knows the chords to.
"The time that we make a baby?"
The thought is all it takes for the two of us to come against one another. As we lay in the silence, and he puts his hand on my stomach, I smirk. I have a very, very, good feeling about this.