Page 111 of The Guy in the Alley
“That’s great. Fuck, I’m relieved.” Two hundred bucks every month? And once we finally gave up Ma’s old place, we’d be downright comfortable.
“You got that dazed look on your face again.” He grinned softly.
Yeah, well. Christ. Who could blame me?
He came over to me and kissed me. “I love you.”
An overwhelming rush of peace and joy swept over me, and I squeezed him to me. “I love you too.” More than I could ever put into words.
* * *
We had two hours left on our journey when Alvin agreed to take his medication. He was so anxious, not to mention torn, because he was far away from everything he knew so well…and only two hours away from the shoreline he’d dreamed of seeing since he was a kid.
We stopped at a gas station so he could get comfortable. We’d brought his comforter and pillows for this very reason. The stops were a good way to stall for time too, because at this point, we’d arrive when it was still dark.
“And here are your headphones, bud.” I helped him put them on while Trace got gas.
Alvin handed me his glasses.
I fucking hated seeing my boy this way, even though I knew it would be worth it in the end.
He was trembling, unable to relax fully, which exhausted him and gave him headaches.
He shifted the headphones slightly so he could hear. “We’ll go s-straight to the beach?” he stammered.
I nodded. “I promise. Trace said that earlier too. We might even call Kell and Teresa and have them meet us by the water so we can stay there all day.”
Trace peered over the door. “When you wake up, you’ll see water everywhere.”
Alvin choked out a soft snicker and got tearful at the same time. “I want that.” Tears trickled down, and he grinned, despite the anxiety. “I’m gonna see the ocean, Dad.”
Christ, stab me in the fucking heart—if he got mushy, I got mushy.
“Damn right. We’re so close now.” I cupped his cheek and brushed away a tear. “Just try to get some rest first, okay?”
He whimpered and nodded. “I’m gonna see the ocean.”
Goddammit. Now I had to wipe my own fucking cheek.
Pull it together, man.
I leaned in farther and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “Sleep first, then the ocean. I’ll see you on the other side, small fry.”
He sniffled and nodded again, then readjusted his headphones. I pulled the covers up to his chin, and he screwed his eyes shut. I knew he was going to do his exercises where he tensed up every muscle in his body, then slowly tried to relax. It was the best way for him to fight off the sharper edges of the anxiety.
I closed the door carefully, and I blew out a long breath.
Then I turned around and— “Trace?” Why was he heading into the store? We had everything. We’d bought coffee not too long ago, and we had Gatorade and chips.
“I’ll be right back!” he hollered. His voice sounded strange, a little thicker than normal. “I’m gonna buy more sunscreen ’cause we’re staying on that damn beach until he’s overdosed on water.”
I exhaled a laugh and scrubbed a hand over my face.
What the fuck had I done to deserve that man?
* * *