Page 32 of The Guy in the Alley
I let my hand ghost gently up his forearm, and he shifted slightly where he stood. He dropped his stare to my hand and didn’t look away. As I brushed my thumb over a waterdrop, I felt his muscles twitch underneath. He had gooseflesh across his bicep, and I had a feeling it wasn’t about what I was doing but what I might do.
When I brought my free hand to his other arm, he took a deep breath and bent his neck sideways, like an attempt to relax. Maybe it was working. Things hadn’t gotten worse, at least. My hands roamed up his bicep, my touch firmer now, and then I eased them down again. I carefully gripped his wrist, and I did my best to offer a reassuring look. If it worked, I didn’t know, but he allowed me to loosen his arms, and they fell to his sides.
“Tell me to stop if you’re uncomfortable,” I said quietly.
He swallowed hard as I took a small step forward and shifted my hands to his shoulders.
“The problem isn’t discomfort,” he muttered.
“What is it, then?”
His jaw ticked. “Wanting something too much.”
Fuck me.
Yeah, I checked the fuck out. My brain powered down, and even though I kept my movements somewhat slow, I couldn’t stop myself. I slipped my hands along his neck, to his jaw, and I reached up and kissed him.
His hands immediately came to my sides, but he didn’t push me away—or pull me closer, for that matter. He just held me in place and kissed me back tentatively.
Wanting to be as comforting as possible, I cupped his jaw and used my other hand to rub his neck slowly. I closed the distance between us too, hoping to warm us up. The humidity wasn’t enough to let me forget I’d just gotten out of the shower.
He shuddered and appeared to relax some. I felt his big hands trail toward my back, just at the base of my spine, and he was the one who deepened the kiss.
Now we’re talking.
I tasted him for the first time, and I got a hint of a warning telling me Ben could be hiding something. Because it felt like he was holding back a whole lot.
“I won’t break, I promise.”
He drew a breath and nipped at my bottom lip. “I’ll hold you to it.” The next second, he spun me around and pressed me up against the counter, and he towered over me and kissed me hungrily.
Holy fuck.
My pulse went through the roof, and I was more than happy to roll with the punches. Like we were of one mind, he slipped his hand down to the backs of my thighs at the same moment I jumped up to sit on the counter, and that fucking worked for me. Before I knew it, he was between my legs, and we were making out like teenagers.
His hair was too short to grab on to, but I sure tried, and he seemed to like it. He moaned into the kiss and kneaded my thighs, slowly inching upward. Under the towel.
Fuck yeah, get it.
“So, uh…” I sucked in a breath and pressed myself closer to him. “If you haven’t been with anyone in a while, would you say it’s safe for me to choke on your cock?”
He cursed under his breath, then kissed his way down my neck. “Safe from an STI perspective, absolutely. But we’ll see if I’ll let you come up for air.”
I felt my eyes widen as I exposed my neck for him. Mother of dirty talk, let’s do this. He was clearly game.
“I hope that wasn’t too much.”
“Fuck no,” I managed to blurt out. ’Cause, God no. “You speak my language. I’m ready. I have rubbers and a tight ass just for you. No warm-up necessary.”
He hummed and slid a hand up my throat, and he just held me loosely, like a gentle reminder. There was a beast buried within him, wasn’t there?
“And a throat?”
I swallowed. “And a throat.”
He whispered a curse and caught my lips with his again, not holding back anymore. He kissed me so fucking hard and deep, so intoxicatingly sensually, and the way he dug his fingertips into my thighs might actually leave bruises.
With a swift pull, he wrapped my legs around his hips, pressed his cock against mine, and then enveloped me in his arms. His evident strength set off a violent shiver, but it was more than that. It was how tightly and closely he held me. Warmth spread throughout my body, and it just clicked. How good it felt to be all but surrounded by him. Usually, I didn’t want anyone getting too close physically.