Page 53 of Pucks and Coffee
She’s right. I do like driving her crazy, but I like it more when she does it to me.
I shake my head, kissing her temple. “How did you know about me and Andrews? See it on the TV?”
Her brows knit as she glances up at me, confused. “No. I was there.”
My jaw slackens a bit but doesn’t fall open. Surely I heard her wrong. “What?”
Her eyes search mine. “I’ve been coming to all your games. Well, except the away ones.”
My heart stops in my chest. “You have? Why?”
She slowly nods. “You’re my husband. I want to be there.”
Her words hit me like a million pucks as I gaze into her eyes. Each imaginary puck is a different feeling, and I don’t understand any of them. She wanted to be there. For me. She stood up for me against my teammate’s girlfriend. For me. I don’t know what this tightening in my chest is, and I don’t know how to ease it. I don’t even know if I want to. One thing is for sure. I’m starting to realize it’s going to be really hard to walk away from her.
Behind me, Coleson stiffens once more.
I can feel his shoulders pull back, and his arms tighten around me. Things were going so well, and while I really enjoy his hard cock pressed into my ass, I don’t like that the rest of him is rigid. I wanted this to be good for him, for him to know people accept him. And while some did, there are a few who don’t, and it makes me irate. As I did when I was younger when I looked out for my sisters, I have this need to protect him. I don’t want him to hurt. I don’t want him to think less of himself. He’s wonderful—even when he is trying to keep me at arm’s length.
It’s cute.
And frustrating.
“I should have kicked that chick in the cunt,” I muse, ignoring the fact that he probably stiffened up because I was at his games. I don’t want to talk about that or give him time to ask me more about it. I want to be there, and nothing will keep me from supporting him. Thankfully, Elliot snorts. She pulls my attention to her, and I see her shaking her head.
“And you say you’re not violent,” Elliot teases, and I flash her a look. I guess I understand why she hit Coleson, not that it’s okay. But that urge to protect the person you love—holy shit, what? Love…? Wow, okay. When did that happen? My eyes widen at my inner revelation, and I feel like I’m the one who’s been kicked in the cunt.
I was not expecting to feel that way for him, but I don’t know why I’m surprised. I’ve always wanted to love someone. I’ve always wanted to care for someone and be a team together. I knew from the start that I would fall for Coleson Katz. I’m not even surprised it happened this quickly. I just wish the pain of him never loving me didn’t threaten to suffocate me at this moment.
At this moment when I’m in his arms in front of his whole team—and my sister.
“Could you even reach her cunt with your foot? Your legs are rather short.” I glare up at him as Elliot snickers, and Coleson just grins. His dimples are on display, making my love for him burn even hotter.
“Would you like me to demonstrate?” I ask, lightly pressing my elbow into his groin.
He hisses a breath and moves out of the way, wrapping his arms around me tighter. Against my ear, he whispers, “Now, now. You damage my cock, I won’t be able to see it in your mouth when I get you alone.”
Heat flushes through my body, and I want him. All of him. All for myself. As I’ve done before when I’ve been overwhelmed by my feelings or feeling way too much, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I gather all my emotions together, and I imagine bottling them up before throwing them into the blackness of the back of my mind. If I can’t find them, I can’t feel them. They’ll stay there. They have to. Because if I find them, let them out, and allow them to grow, I’ll be his forever.
Even after he leaves me.
“Eliza, are you okay?” Elliot’s voice has me opening my eyes quickly, and I nod.
“Yes, I’m fine.”
“You know I don’t like that look,” she warns, and I wave her off. She’s probably remembering when I would do this while growing up. It was the only way I was able to handle what was done to my sisters. Standing in nothing but a bra and panties, I would close my eyes and act like I was anywhere but there, being looked at by men I didn’t want anything to do with.
“I’m fine,” I insist, and then I feel Coleson’s eyes on me.
“You sure?” he asks, his eyes full of concern too, and my heart swells at the sight. How can he care for me but not want to be with me or love me? Why won’t he tell me? This isn’t the time or the place, so I only nod once more.
I set Elliot with a look and say, “Yes, just annoyed.”
He cuddles me in closer and kisses my neck. I smile at the feel of his lips, and I feel Elliot’s gaze on me. “So, things are well, it seems?” she draws out, and I smile up at her.