Page 70 of Pucks and Coffee
Damn it.
I pray he’s okay. He’s worked entirely too hard for this. He’s so close. I can feel it. While I may not be certain of our future as a whole, I know he is going to make it. I just know it. I’m still pacing once the game is over. The Bears lost in overtime, but I couldn’t care less. My thoughts are only on Coleson as I hold my phone in my hand, waiting for his call. It’s the longest two hours of my life, but like clockwork, my phone rings at the two-hour mark. I fumble with my phone, answering the FaceTime call with, “Oh my goodness, are you okay?”
His brow is still furrowed, but his eyes are heated and only for me. “I’m fine, Wife. Don’t worry.”
I huff. “You know I am. Show me.”
He sighs deeply and then moves the camera out so I can see the gnarly red welt that is already turning purple. My breath catches. “Is anything broken?”
He shrugs as he runs his fingers along the tender flesh. “I don’t think so. It hurts like a motherfucker, though.”
“It looks like it.”
He brings the camera up so I can see his beautiful face. He’s let his beard grow, and I wish I were there to nuzzle my face along the coarse hair. “I’m fine, no worries.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, Wife. I’m sure. How are you? How was your day?”
I eye him for only a second. “Are you trying to distract me?”
His dimples shine. “If I were trying to distract you, I’d demand that you get on that bed and spread those legs for me.” I giggle as I roll my eyes, knowing good and well I’d do what he demands in a second. He has kept his word and has made me come at least once a night. No matter where he is, no matter what’s going on, we have that moment together. “But that can wait. I want to hear about your day.”
Before I launch into my day and my time with my sisters, I notice he looks confused. “What’s wrong?”
“Coach is calling me. Let me see what he wants. Don’t hang up.”
I agree without hesitation and sit on the bed, my heart slowing down in my chest. Thankfully. I haven’t been that worried since Louisa was in her accident. Which reminds me, I forgot to praise her for not using her cane today. She walked in like a champ, and I’m so proud of her. She has been working hard in physical therapy to get her strength back in her ankle and knee. Before I can send her a text, or write out the text to send tomorrow, Coleson is back on the screen.
“Eliza. James. Katz.”
The use of my full name from his lips has my heart stopping. “What?”
“I’ve been called up.”
I scream so loudly that I’m sure someone will call the cops, but I don’t care. Let them call. My husband has been called up to the NHL! When he starts to jump, I do the same. I wait for the fear of what this means to wash over me. I wait for the impending doom, but it’s not there. All I feel is pure love for the man who is celebrating his accomplishment.
My husband.
My forever.
“Coleson, I’m so proud of you,” I gush, tears welling up and spilling over my cheeks. “I knew you’d make it!”
“Why are you crying?” he asks, his eyes widening when he sees the tears. “Don’t cry. I’ll cry.”
I laugh, waving him off. “These are happy tears. I’m just so proud.”
His eyes burn into mine, warmth and love in his blue gaze. I’m so totally in love with him and can’t believe he is finally getting everything he worked for. His voice is husky as he says, “I couldn’t have done it without you, Wife.”
My heart squeezes at his words. “Yes, you could have.”
He shakes his head. “No. You’ve made me a better person.”
Between my heart and my stomach, I don’t know which does the bigger somersault. Surely he loves me. He has to. “It’s easy,” I admit, wiping away my tears. “I just love you so much.”
As if he is surprised by my words, his eyes widen and his jaw goes slack. “Still?”
I won’t let his stupidity ruin this moment. Not that it matters. I love him enough for both of us, and it’s not a race. I fell first, and that’s okay. That’s our story, and I wouldn’t change a damn thing. I don’t need the words when his actions speak for themselves. We’re truly made for each other, and with each kiss, each call, and each moment we’re together, I know it to be true.