Page 75 of Pucks and Coffee
“Because I can only assume she was on the type of drugs that make you think you’re a zombie and want to eat people’s faces.” As I wanted, he laughs, even if it is quiet. “I want you—only you, Coleson.”
He tightens his grip on my neck and runs his nose along mine. “I’ve only ever truly wanted you. No one else. Just you.”
“You have me,” I whisper, kissing his jaw.
His eyes are closed as his lips move along my cheek with his husky whisper. “How do I keep you?”
My heart swells as chills run down my spine. “You just ask.”
“I don’t know how,” he admits in a low voice. “How do I just ask you to give up everything for me?”
“It’s easy,” I say softly. “Eliza—or as you like to say, Wife, be mine for real.”
“And you’ll say yes to that crap request?” he asks, the teasing in his voice making me grow hot everywhere.
“For you, I would.”
He shakes his head. “Raise your standards, Wife. Make me work for it.”
I cup his jaw as I giggle. “I know when to make you work for it, Husband. Just ask me when you’re ready, and I’ll give you my answer.”
His lips trail along my cheek, the side of my mouth, before stopping at my lips. He doesn’t kiss me, only breathes me in as he holds me tight. He doesn’t even have to speak for me to know his mind is going a million miles a second. I give him the time he needs, though. Coleson isn’t one to be rushed, and I know my patience will pay off. I know, in the end, this man will be mine.
And I’ll be his.
The events of the day have been a lot.
I honestly don’t know or even understand who would want to send a girl to my room. I’m sure it was someone on the team, probably Andrews since he already hates me for what his best friend’s wife and I did, but also because I got called up over him. I don’t want to think that way, though. I don’t want to give him any more of my energy than he has already stolen. It’s bad enough I have to deal with him on a regular basis when I play; I don’t want him to ruin this moment for me. The moment I step onto the ice as a Nashville Assassin.
I hate that I’m tired. I was only able to nap for maybe thirty minutes between my racing thoughts concerning my wife. I told her she needed to raise her standards when it came to my asking her to be mine forever. However, I’m surprised I didn’t just scream it in her face after how she handled the situation with my apparent “afternoon entertainment.” I don’t know how she is so amazing. Her confidence is beautiful, and her sunshiny personality makes me grin so hard I know my dimples are on display. I can feel them.
I always knew she wasn’t my mom; no one could be as completely vile as that woman. That’s not what kept me from committing to Eliza fully. It may have started that way, but now, it’s that she’s too damn good for me. Thinking that, though, I can’t help but understand it’s not true anymore.
She is too good for the guy I used to be. But the man I am with her may just deserve her. Fuck, I want to deserve her. I want to wake up with her in my arms. To watch her grin at me. Have her bitch at me for making a mess. I want to be on the receiving end of a love I never thought I’d have. A love I thought didn’t exist. At least, not for me.
I want to replace the old memories of a loveless life with new ones full of all the love.
Love only Eliza can give me.
I swallow thickly as that realization explodes inside my body. Instead of rushing out of the locker room to find where she is, I retape my stick for the third time. My thoughts and hopes will have to wait till after the game. Not that I think I can make it up to where my wife is sitting anyway. I’m shaking everywhere. I’m scared out of my mind, and I hope I don’t fuck this up.
I look around at all the guys I’ve followed for the last few years. Boon Hoenes, the captain Aiden Brooks, Flynn Anderson, Wes McMillan, Dimitri Titov, and my old teammate, Ciaran Carter. Everyone is getting ready and is focused on their game. Meanwhile, I’m focusing on not puking up the contents of my stomach.
I shake my head. This isn’t me. I want this. I want to be on this ice. My wife is here to watch me. I have to show off for her. I have to gain a spot somewhere so that no one can bother Eliza and me.
Because I’m keeping my wife forever.
And then some.
Confidence blooms inside me as I finally get my tape how I want. I start putting on my gear, careful of my burning ribs that are black and purple today. Ha, even my skin matches the Assassins’ colors. I obviously belong here. I chuckle at myself as I finish putting on my gear. Once I’m ready, I stand up and squat down, repeating the motion seven times. I then hop once from the squatting position. As my wife said, I’m a creature of habit, and I’ve got some quirks, for sure. The coach of the Assassins comes in to do his pregame speech. When he announces me, I’m surprised, but then a warmth spreads deep within when everyone welcomes me once more.
“Katz will hit the ice first, and then let’s get two points, boys!”