Page 132 of Burn for Her
Dorian jerked the asshole’s head back. “Did you set yourself on fire?”
“Fuck you.”
“Answer the Reaper, cocksucker.” Lucian smashed his boot on the Savag-Ri’s back. “Was this self-inflicted or not?”
“Go to Hell.”
Victoria licked her weapon like a lollypop. “Last chance.”
“No,” the Savag-Ri grunted. “Vampires did this.”
“Who?” Victoria squatted down. “Give us a name.”
“Don’t… know. One had a fucked-up face.”
When Dorian let him go, the Savag-Ri pulled himself up, his burns already healing though his clothes were ruined.
He lunged right at Lena. Just as he expected the piece of shit to do. Dorian’s heart thudded in his ears. Standing back to let Lena handle this was hell on his instincts. It went against every molecule he possessed.
The rest of the crew spread out because Savag-Ri rarely came out alone. Just like Vampires and Lycan, they, too, hunted in groups.
Lena’s reflexes were quick enough to dodge and weave. The guy was sloppy for a Savag-Ri. He couldn’t catch her for shit. With swift agility, Lena swept her leg out and knocked him on his ass.
“He’s not human,” Dorian called out. “It’ll take more than that to knock him down and keep him there.”
Nodding, Lena didn’t pull her gaze from her target. Her cheeks were red and flushed from adrenaline. Her body poised. She was enjoying this.
Annnnnd there went his heart swelling so big it barely fit in his chest. Dorian kept close, knife in each hand, ready to strike should she need him to jump in.
But Lena didn’t need his assistance. Not after she tested a few more blows and watched them heal immediately on her opponent. She’s playing with him, he realized. His smile was so big, his cheeks might split.
“What do I do now?” her voice trembled.
“FINISH HIM,” Xin hollered in his best Mortal Kombat impersonation.
“How do I do that?” She dodged another of his attacks.
Dorian silently sliced a finger across his neck to her.
Lena’s eyes widened. He wanted to help her with this, but she needed to do it alone. Needed this experience. No way would she be the kind of mate who stayed home and baked cookies. She was too bloodthirsty and violent. He just needed to test how violent.
“You fang whore,” the Savag-Ri flicked his blade into the air, fast as lightning. The tip of it struck Lena in her torso, right between her ribs. She hollered in pain. Dorian roared with rage.
He didn’t realize he’d flashed until he was behind the Savag-Ri, slicing his neck deep enough to nearly decapitate the motherfucker. Then he reached in through the neck cavity and went elbow deep, groping for what he wanted most.
That sonofabitch’s heart.
Lena gawked and took several steps back as she watched her mate turn savage. The Savag-Ri was dead, but that wasn’t good enough for Dorian. No one threatened his mate and got off so easy. With a roar, he ripped the still beating heart from the carcass and crushed it to a pulp in his hands. Throwing it on the asphalt, it made a sticky splat then sizzled until it bubbled and thickened to a molasses like substance.
Next, he ran to Lena. She had pulled the blade out of her ribs already and held it out, terrified. “I can’t believe I just got stabbed!” The standard ka-bar was nothing too extraordinary, yet she shook violently, pale and rattled by the weapon covered in her blood. “Great. Just great. My first day out and this happens.”
“Congrats, your cherry just got popped,” Victoria said. “We’ve all been clipped millions of times. These guys are just as quick and skilled as we are.”
“Makes the hunt more fun,” Xin said with a shit-eating grin.
Lena’s eyes rounded. “Do they poison their blades?” She looked at Dorian, eyes wide in terror. “Is it coated in something that’ll kill us like your bullets for Savag-Ri?”
Dorian crushed her to him, “No, no, no. Nothing works like that on us,” he kissed her head, working to get ahold of the fact that she wasn’t upset over the attack or being wounded, but at possibly of losing her new life with one stab. She would soon learn she was way more indestructible now. “Can you breathe?” He needed to make sure her lung hadn’t been punctured.