Page 64 of Burn for Her
“She killed her competition.”
Lucian nodded. “Soon after that, on the night of the next full moon, he turned into a wolf and stayed in his animal form forever. He never saw his sons again. That’s how they found out the fate of a Lycan who didn’t claim their mate in time.”
“Holy Hell.”
“Right?” Lucian dried the saucepan and put it back in the cupboard. “The blood curse makes it so once we see our alakhai, we are on borrowed time unless we find, bond, turn and mate with them. While we search for our mate, our bodies begin to deteriorate. We’ve always been able to walk in the sun, but it does burn hotter on our skin. We get slower. Color fades. Taste dies out. Hearing loss, weight loss, sanity goes out the window. Until… poof!” He made explosion hands. “We turn to ash.”
“You burn?”
“Like tissue paper in a bonfire.”
Lena had to sit down.
“Hey, whoa, hold up.” Lucian grabbed her arm and helped her to the couch in the living room. “Better?”
He sat next to her and frowned. “I’m not telling you all this to freak you out, I’m just keeping things honest and open between us. Dorian’s likely not going to say a word of this.”
“Why?” she whispered, still trying to grasp this whole curse thing.
“He’s stayed clear of anything that even remotely had the possibility of showing a reflection. So long as a vampire doesn’t see it, they’re safe.”
“So, the second he saw me in a mirror, that’s when his life was in danger.”
“I mean, yes but no. No, because Dorian’s life would continue just fine if he never saw you. Yes, because our enemies would love his fangs on their trophy wall, so he’s always had to watch his back. Not that anyone stands a chance against a vampire of his caliber.”
Lena connected more dots. “But he has a mirror in the bathroom.” And more mounted in the living room.
“All this,” he said, pointing around, “was installed just after he saw your reflection. In fact, he obsessed over another chance to see you until it happened.”
She felt a little warm in the belly over that. Oh geez. “Who’s your enemy?”
“Savag-Ri mostly, but Lycan too. We blame each other for what happened with the woman and her two lovers.”
“And what’s a Savag-Ri?”
“Creatures who’ve killed our kind long before the blood curse ever did. It’s how the Lycan and vampire species almost went extinct in the first place.”
“Why do they hunt you?”
“They deem us abominations and their only purpose on this earth is to rid the world of us. Anything less is likely an embarrassment and stain on their bloodlines.”
“Wow.” Lena rubbed her temples. “I’m sorry, I just… this is fucking crazy.”
“I know it seems that way, but—” Lucian shrugged and scrubbed his face with both hands. “I’m not pulling your chain, Lena. This is serious. I can’t lose Dorian. He’s my best friend and I’ve already lost one brother to this curse. Call me selfish, but I can’t bear to watch Dorian die.”
“I don’t want him to die either.”
He grabbed her hand and squeezed, “Then help me help him. Do this. He’ll spend his whole life making you happy. You have no clue how devoted vampires are.”
“So devoted they abandon their pregnant lover?”
“That was different,” he argued. “And a long time ago. Don’t blame us for the sins of our ancestors and don’t think we haven’t evolved and learned from their mistakes.”
“Why not?” Dorian growled from the archway and broke the conversation. “She’s right to do so.”
Lucian let go of Lena’s hand and stood up. “Don’t fucking start this again, Dorian.”