Page 91 of Burn for Her
Cliché or not, he wanted to feed her. She just gave him the greatest meal of his sorry life, the least he could do was this tiny act of providing for her. The roast beef smelled heavenly. Marie was an amazing cook. Dorian cut a small chunk of meat off with the side of his fork and swirled it in the gravy. “Open.”
Lena obeyed. Her little pink mouth parting, widening for him. His hand shook as he brought the fork to her lips. Her teeth scraped the tines as she pulled her bite off and chewed it.
“You’ll hurt your teeth like that,” he reprimanded, playfully.
“Bad habit.” Lena started to blush. “I scrape my teeth on utensils and chew straws.”
“Mmph.” He cringed. Then Dorian broke her off another piece of meat and added a tiny bit of carrot with it. His hand trembled so much, the food fell off the fork and plopped back onto the plate.
Dorian stared at it, unable to focus on what just happened. Then he exhaled slowly, concentrated, and tried again. He managed to get the fork halfway to her when Lena grabbed his arm, and gently braced it so he could feed her.
Her teeth scraped the tines again. Neither mentioned that he could barely hold the utensil at all. She allowed him to feed her the entire meal this way. It was humbling, too.
“You’re not going to eat?” She dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “Or… sorry, that was dumb.”
“Vampires do eat food. It helps with our muscle mass.” He placed the plates on the dresser and leaned back with his arms crossed. “But my hunger is sated, thanks to you.”
Damn, he loved how her cheeks turned pink.
“If that’s true, why are you shaking so badly?”
“I’m not entirely sure.” He didn’t want to think about it.
“Am I not enough? Is my blood no good?”
“What? No!” Jesus how could she even think such a thing?
Out of nowhere, a sharp pain slammed into Dorian’s gut. Grunting, he doubled over. Then slammed to his knees. The pain stole the breath from his lungs. Shit! What is this? Dorian rocked back on his haunches, head down, body wracked with tremors. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t… he couldn’t fucking breathe!
He shot his hand out to stop Lena from getting closer. Inwardly, he cringed. Outwardly, he hissed. Alarm bells rang loud in his mind. Lena dropped down to be at his level on the floor. Don’t, he wanted to warn her. Stay back!
Those warnings never had a chance to leave his tongue. She grabbed him by the throat and spoke in low tones. “Do it.”
Could she sense his desperation? See the starvation in his dark gaze? Feel the need to make her his in every way possible? Her blood finally hit his system and mixed with his. The result was a raw, primal, deadly perversion that stormed over his walls and dropped him into a deeper level of deterioration.
If he didn’t act fast, he was going to lose her… and himself.
“Do it,” she urged him again.
He wanted to spread her legs, impale her, drink her, mark her, turn her, own her.
Dorian clenched his jaw to keep from using his fangs on her sweet flesh. At this point, he’d hurt her and would never forgive himself if that happened. He let out a warning growl. Knew saliva dripped off his canines as he hissed at her.
She didn’t back down.
Were her survival instincts busted? Didn’t she see how dangerous he was?
Pushing her down onto her back, Dorian crawled on top of her. She spread her thighs, giving him an invitation. His mind screamed to back down! Gain control!
His dick and fangs had other plans.
His nails elongated, sharpening to talons which he used to claw the floorboards. It felt good to dig his claws into something that could handle his level of aggression.
Lena wouldn’t be able to. She was human.
Precious. Fragile. Breakable.