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Chapter 1
“Arch your back a little more. That’s it, now stay just like that for me. Fucking perfect.” I snap several pics and work my way around the bed. “Don’t move.”
“But I can’t hold it much longer.”
“Yes, you can.” I kneel at the foot of the bed. “Bring your right knee up a little closer to your core. That’s it. Perrrrrfect.” I snap another series of shots and back away with a smile on my face. “Okay, we’re done.”
My client sighs with relief as her arms and legs flop down when she relaxes on the bed. “You weren’t kidding about needing to stretch first.” She flexes her arms and rolls over onto her belly. “I’m gonna be sore all day from this.”
“I did warn you.” Not all poses are simple—especially the ones that make the best pics later.
“So…” Her brow knits together with insecurity and curiosity. “How do they look?”
“Incredible.” I don’t need to check my camera to know these pics are fire. I’m damn good at my job and have an eye for the best possible turnout. While my client gets herself untangled from the bedsheets, I tuck my lenses away, and am already mentally preparing for my next client. “You did fantastic, Aubrey. Your wife is going to love these.”
“Can I take a peek?”
“Absolutely.” It’s no sweat off my balls if someone wants to see a couple of their photos prematurely. In fact, I encourage them because it’ll only solidify the fact that they didn’t waste their money on me. “Later this weekend I’ll run them through edits and should have the proofs to you by the end of the month.”
“That’s super fast.”
Overworked and underfucked has become my new lifestyle, but if I don’t stay busy, I’ll go insane. “Unless something major goes wrong, like a zombie apocalypse, I always try to have a quick turnaround.” Sleep is for the weak.
Tipping my camera screen, I let her look at a few shots and stare at her face, loving her expression. Most clients’ reactions are the same when they see what they look like through a camera lens—surprise usually hits first, then a little embarrassment, and last, but not least, is confidence.
I live for those looks.
“Wow, Carson. You’re seriously talented.” Aubrey pulls her flaming red hair into a low ponytail.
“All I did was point and click. You did all the work.” I turn the camera off and place it on the table. “Your hair caught the light just right in that last set, it looked like fire.”
“You said it would.” Slapping my shoulder, she gives it a squeeze and adds, “You’re worth every penny, man. This is going to make a great anniversary gift.”
I smile and try to relax. I’m not a fan of being touched. It’s something I’m always working on. At least it’s my shoulder she’s gripping and not something worse.
Once she leaves to get changed, I remake the bed and start setting up for the next photoshoot.
“Hey!” My assistant, Chloe, calls out from the doorway. “You want anything delivered for lunch?”
“Nah.” I brought mine. “You get yourself something and put it on my card. And uhhh…” I look at the clock and realize my next client will be here in about twenty minutes. “Can you bring in some more waters for me, please?”
“No prob, boss.”
Once Chloe leaves, I move my lights and filters and all the other shit that comes with being a boudoir photographer around the huge studio. Thank fuck this next session will be shorter, and easier, than this current one.
“Thanks again, Carson!” Aubrey comes out of the dressing room and hoists her duffel bag filled with outfits higher onto her shoulder. “It was a real pleasure to meet you.”
“It was great meeting you too, Aubrey.” I walk over to shake her hand. Handshakes I can do, especially when I’m the one initiating them. I’m all about control. “And congrats on your ten-year anniversary.”
My cell goes off in my back pocket. Aubrey waves goodbye and I do the same as I pull my phone out and answer it. “Cruz Photography.”
“Hi, yes. This is Mak. Uhh… Makayla. Makayla Johnson.”
“Hi Makayla.”
“Yeah, Hi. Umm.” There’s a lot of shuffling in the background and the sound of something breaking. “I have to cancel tomorrow. My appointment’s at eleven.”