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“Hey,” my ex says, as he leans his elbow against the bar top.
“Hey.” I’d take another sip of my drink and turn my back to him as much as I can.
“What do you want?” Leah growls at him.
“Nice to see you too, Leah.” He-who-can’t-even-tie-his-tie-right says. “I just wanted to come say hi. See how you’re doing.”
“We’re fine. You can leave. Mmmkay. Byeeee.” Leah flicks her wrist, shooing him away.
He-who-is-a-douche-canoe ignores her. “Mak?”
I shouldn’t make eye contact, but I do. “What?”
“How are you?”
“I’m doing great. How about you?” I don’t care how he’s doing. I just don’t know how to get out of this conversation without looking like a complete bitch. For that matter, I don’t know why I still care what he thinks of me.
Being a people pleaser makes me do dumb shit sometimes.
“I’m doing well.” He flashes me a big smile. “I got a promotion.”
“Good for you.” I clear my throat, hating that I’m starting to sweat. “That’s wonderful. Congratulations.” Now go away.
“Yeah.” He rubs the back of his neck and looks around. “Me and some of the boys are here celebrating. Want to join us?”
I glance over at a high-top table that has some of his colleagues surrounding it. They’re all laughing and slapping each other on the back.
“No. I don’t.”
“Aw come on.” He leans in closer. “For me?”
Anger flares in my chest, and I want to cry. I feel my face getting hot and I’m sure I look like a tomato.
Leah must sense the tension rolling off me because she jumps to my rescue. “She said no, dickhead.”
“Come on. Don’t be like that. It’s a good night for me and I just want to celebrate.”
“No one’s stopping you.” I manage to say. Fuck, my heart’s beating so fast. “Go celebrate.”
“I want to celebrate with you, Mak. Seeing you here makes my night even more special. Come on. You won’t have to pay for a single thing. It’s all on the company’s dime.”
“What part of the word no confuses you?” Leah hops off her chair.
“Relax, Leah.” He touches my arm. “Mak can speak for herself.”
“Which I did already,” I say, even though my voice is shaking. I knock his hand off me. “I said no.”
“Come on, Makayla. Don’t be like that.”
A warm hand rests on my shoulder, and it’s not my ex’s this time. “Mak.” Carson’s voice is rough and deep. “You ready to give me that dance now?”
My heart pounds in my throat as I gawk at Carson. He must have come up from the other side of the bar, like a sneak attack. “I…” Glancing at Leah, then He-who-gets-on-my-nerves, I lick my dry lips and nod. “Yeah. I’m ready.”
I can’t hop off my stool fast enough. Carson grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze before looking back at Leah. “You coming too, or am I going to have to handle this hot number all by myself?”
“Hells yes, I’m coming!” She quickly catches up with us and Carson puts his arm around her. “You’re a lifesaver.”
I wish she hadn’t said that, even if it’s kind of true. I could have gotten away from Mr. Look-at-me-I’m-so-cool on my own. However, my great escape wouldn’t have been as satisfying as this one is.