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“I want you to come all over me,” she continues. “I like rough, messy sex. Cum play. Breath play. I want you to bite me and bruise me and sometimes choke me out when you make me come.”
My entire body locks up hearing her demands. “I can do all that.” Happily. “But I won’t hit you violently. That’s a hard limit for me.” If she needs extreme pain to get off, we might not be the match I think we are. Spanking, however, is always on my list of things I’ll do.
“I don’t want you to hit me. But, you said you’d pin me down. Bite me. I want marks on my body from you, so the next day I can think about what we did.”
Sweet mother of glory, I can smell her arousal from here. Fuuuuuck. I breathe through my mouth so I can keep my focus. The scent of a woman’s cunt is a massive turn on for me. I wish I could bathe in that scent. Pussy is divine.
“Okay.” Shit, my voice is deep and gruff.
“What about you?” She leans back in her chair. “What do you want?”
My gaze deadlocks hers. “Everything you’re willing to give me, Mak.” I lean in and growl like a starved animal. Her pupils dilate and I enjoy watching her pulse throb in her neck. “And I want you to run.”
I growl again as my answer.
Her cheeks pinken and eyes grow wide as a smile spreads across her sweet face. Suddenly, Mak stands so fast she knocks her chair over. Then my beautiful vixen books it out of the kitchen, through my living room, and out the front door.
Game. On.
Chapter 10
This is crazy!
I can’t believe I’m doing this. I can’t believe I’m excited that I’m doing this. As I beat feet across the front lawn, I have no clue where the hell I’m supposed to go. There are no neighbors that I can see. Carson lives next to a farm, but that’s so far off, I can barely make out the structure. All I can see are pastures and fences. There’s a huge shed out back to my left, and woods curve around the other side of his property. I have no clue how much of this land he owns.
And right now, I don’t care.
Carson stands at the door and points towards the woods.
Holy shit. We’re really doing this.
I must be nuts to be so turned on. Shouldn’t I be scared? Worried? It’s like my self-preservation has turned off because really all I want is for him to come at me, lift me into his arms, and ravage me.
I want him to tear my clothes off and hold me down and—
Fuck, he’s coming!
I book it towards the woods, relieved I have my boots on. It’s freezing out, and white puffs form from my heavy breaths. I can’t see out here, it’s too dark, but something snaps inside my brain, and I get quiet. Pressing my back against a big tree, I squint and look around to figure out where to go next.
Adrenaline pumps in my veins so fast, I feel a little dizzy.
This is scary and fun, and I have no clue how to handle it. It’s nothing like I read about. It’s a million times more intense. There’s a level of danger to this I didn’t realize. Maybe that element is here because I don’t really know Carson. Maybe it’s because this is my first time being chased by an actual primal Dom.
Maybe it’s because this is a mistake, and I should run for my car and hightail it out of here because what if Carson’s a murderer who poses as a Dom and takes pictures of his victims at his boudoir studio for souvenirs before he kills them and shoves them in his basement like a real Zombie Tramp collection?
Get a grip, Mak. I squeeze my eyes shut and breathe. I have a safe word. I’ll use it if I have to.
Call me reckless, but I trust Carson. He seems so open and transparent. And he’s taking this “situationship” very seriously. I can tell it’s not just a fantasy for him, but a true lifestyle.
I’m the one learning as I go here.
Footsteps crunch against the fallen leaves as he makes his way towards where I’m hiding. Instead of sitting still, I dash between the trees. This is exhilarating. Before I make it to another hiding spot, I realize I want him to catch me. I want to make it easy for him, but not too easy.
Unfortunately, I’m so wrapped in my head that I don’t hear him coming until it’s too late.