Page 14 of Stay
I flirtatiously bump her out of the way with my hip and flip it on the first try. Then she downs the next cup and I flip it for her. And we work in tandem until she’s drained the cups and I’ve flipped them all over.
“Damnit.” She laughs, her cheeks bright red. “You’re too good at this.”
I cock my brow at her and lean into her face. “Accept defeat now?”
A sinful smile spreads across her perfect mouth. “This doesn’t feel like defeat to me.”
Well, it definitely feels like a win for me. Especially with how she’s pressing against my body, her cold little hands snaking around my neck. “I told you my fingers were magic.”
“Guys say that all the time. They’re always wrong.”
My dick hardens. “I don’t lie. If I say I can do something, I can fucking do it.”
Haley playfully walks her fingers across my chest. “What do you want as a victory prize?”
A lot.
Pursing my lips, I pretend like I’m debating, even though I’ve had my answer all along. “Answers to the Econ assignment due Tuesday.”
Haley gawks at me. “How about a kiss instead?”
I shake my head. If I kiss her, I won’t stop. “Econ answers.”
Haley is one of the smartest in our class. I’m sure she’s got that assignment done and dusted.
“I don’t have them.” She giggles. “It’s not due for like another three days. I haven’t even cracked the book open yet. Sorry about your luck.”
I lean in and kiss her anyway. When we pull back, I lick my lips, savoring her taste. “Meet me at my place tomorrow at four. We can work on it together.”
“Okay,” she says, a little breathy. “Are you going to show me how magical those fingers are again?”
Dragging my gaze down her sweet body, I love everything I see. “Maybe, if you’re a good girl.”
Tuesday comes and while flirting our asses off with each other, we work for hours on our assignment, order pizza, fall asleep, and become inseparable from that day forward. We spend every spare minute together. I think I’m addicted to her.
I haven’t tried to kiss her again, for that very reason. I swear if I do, I’ll never stop. Haley’s a drug that, once she gets into my system, I’ll never get out. It’s already hard to keep things chill between us. I want to touch her. Fuck her. Keep her.
Who wouldn’t? She’s fun, loud, crazy smart, ambitious, and carefree. She’s perfection.
One night, just after finals, we leave a party early and stumble back to her place.
“Damn.” Haley groans. Jenna tied a bandana to the doorknob.
“My place?”
“Let’s go.” She holds my hand while we make the long trek back to my house. It’s off campus in a row of rentals the college keeps. “It sucks when everyone else is always having bedroom fun.”
“Tell me about it.” I live in a house with five other basketball players. We’ve got a revolving door of girls and the walls are thin. “So whatcha saving yourself for? Is it a religious thing?”
“Hell no.” She itches her nose. “I just haven’t found someone to play with yet. And I want to play a lot. Like all kinds of a lot.”
What the hell does that even mean? “Like with sex toys?”
“Nooo.” She stumbles into me, forcing us both off the sidewalk. I guide her back on track and hold on to her, so she doesn’t trip and fall. “I mean yes, toys, but also cuffs and paddles and stuff. I wanna get spanked and called a good girl and be a dirty slut for your cock.” She stops, her mouth dropping. “I mean, not your cock. But like, someone’s cock.”
Damn, that’s cold. “Why can’t it be mine?”
She slow blinks at me like it’s preposterous to think I’d have a chance. “You want it to be yours?”