Page 55 of Fake Out
I grin at just how good we look together. Like we were made to be in each other’s arms.
Honestly, I don’t understand how Marissa could have been worried. Anyone who looks at these photos will draw positive conclusions. The team reps will see that I really am living a new life, and Isaac will believe that Marissa and I are playing our roles well.
Everyone will be happy. Especially me and Marissa.
Knowing that, I dig into my breakfast, eager to greet the day ahead.
When I arrive at work, Isaac is standing in front of my desk, scowling.
Just like that, all the joy in my heart vanishes. I slow to a shuffle, my heart racing.
“Good morning,” I say, testing the waters.
He scowls even more. “In my office.”
He turns around and marches into his office, and I stand there, blinking after him. His moods can be unpredictable, but there’s always a reason for them. Not that they’re my problem.
I do need to navigate them, though. I’m an employee here.
For now, anyway.
“Close the door,” he says as I enter.
I do. And then I stand there. Waiting for whatever comes next.
He sits down, grabs his phone, and turns it to face me. A video of me and Charlie, dancing and kissing in the club last night, plays.
My stomach drops to my feet, but I do my best to keep my face calm.
“This is you. With your client,” he says.
I stare at him. “Isaac. We’re supposed to be out acting like a couple. It’s what’s been getting us through doors. We can’t let the act down.”
He puts the phone down, and I can tell from the look in his eyes that he’s not buying it.
“Acting like a couple, yes,” Isaac agrees, pressing his fingertips together in front of him. “But there’s a line, Marissa. And you’ve crossed it.”
“It’s all part of the job.” My voice wavers and I hope he doesn’t catch it.
Are Charlie and I really that obvious?
Shit. I knew we shouldn’t have gone out last night. I let him convince me because I was also tired of being stuck in the house, and I wanted to be seen with him. I wanted everyone to know how truly happy we are.
Well, it looks like I got my wish. Everyone is seeing us for real, seeing past the facade and to who we really are.
Including Isaac.
God, I’ve been such an idiot. How could I do this to myself?
Maybe I should keep lying, keep trying to save face.
But no, I can’t do that. Honesty is the last thread tying me to any self-respect.
So I take a deep breath. “Okay. Charlie and I have been dating for real. But there’s no company policy about not dating clients.”