Page 24 of Lord of Ruin
I scanned the area one more time, snarling under my breath.
“She’s a little lioness,” Christos said, keeping his voice low.
“More than you know.”
“What are you doing with her?”
“She’s coming with us.”
“Whew. You go from zero to a thousand in a blink of an eye.”
“Yeah, well, there is no choice. Get us to the damn plane.” The longer we weren’t in the air, the more likely it was we’d be seen as sitting ducks. Game or no game, Viktor had been given a gift when I’d arrived in town and I doubted he was ready to let it go.
“You never answered my question. Where are we going?”
Jenna asked the question as soon as I’d climbed in beside of her, doing her best to slide as far away as possible. The second Christos thumped into the driver’s seat, he glanced into the rearview mirror as he started the engine.
I sensed he was waiting to see how far with the truth I’d go. I glanced over at her, noticing her bottom lip was trembling, her eyes misted. “Philadelphia.”
“What?” She glared at me incredulously, clutching her purse as close to her body as possible. As if it was a lifeline, a tether to a past that would be hard pressed to return to her.
“Buckle up, sweetheart. We could be in for a rough ride.”
“Fuck you.”
Sighing, I reached over and even as she did her best to slap my hands away, I easily maneuvered the seatbelt around her. But not before dragging her closer so I could snap the belt into place.
“Did you see anyone today?” I asked after a few minutes of silence had passed.
“Other than the bastard who assaulted me last night stalking me at the coffee shop I frequent?”
I slowly turned my head, remaining quiet. For anyone to be this defiant was extremely unusual. She truly had no grasp on the fact I was her captor and her savior. “Do not make me punish you.”
Within seconds, her face turned bright red, her entire body now shaking. “Okay, fine. Yes. I was certain I noticed a man standing across the street when I was having coffee. All the way to the clinic I had a feeling I was being followed. When I’d been inside the building for a couple hours, I took the trash out to the alley and there was a man there maybe fifty yards away.”
“The same one who attacked you?”
I could tell she wanted to give a nasty retort then shook her head. “I don’t know. I couldn’t see him that well.”
“Which could mean more than one person had been sent to handle you.”
“Handle me. Why was I targeted?”
“Because the man who ordered the assassin to kill or capture you thought you meant something to me.”
She slowly lifted her head, darting her eyes back and forth. “An enemy of yours.”
“Yes, very good. You do understand my world.”
“I watch the news. I’m not a stupid woman. What I really understand is that I did what I could to help you last night, yet you insist on taking me as your hostage.”
“True, but you’re much safer with me.”
“Safe? You must be crazy if you think I’ll ever feel safe around you. Just leave me the fuck alone.”
When she turned her head toward the window, I took another deep breath, still uncertain what the hell I was going to do with her. I yanked out my phone, dialing my brother. Even with her in the car, at this point it couldn’t matter. I needed to put a stopgap on this.
“You’re on your way back?” Phoenix asked by way of answering.