Page 47 of Lord of Ruin
Although I couldn’t lie about how the silky dress made me feel or how much I enjoyed the way the material hugged every curve. I felt like a princess, which was something I’d never experienced before. Dresses had never really meant anything to me up to this point given I was such a tomboy. Well, maybe not as much as when I was a young girl back in Missouri. The strangest thing was that I wanted to wear it in a room where Stavros was waiting for me, his reaction something out of a fairytale.
Oh, boy. I was overreacting to a horrible event, acting as if the fantasy was real. I smoothed my hands down on the front before walking out of the dressing room in my bare feet. The women’s boutique store obviously catered to the rich and famous. It was the kind of place you only saw in movies about Fifth Avenue or Beverly Hills where the clerks catered to your every whim, providing champagne and caviar while you were shopping. There were three leather sofas positioned near the dressing rooms, which were larger than my kitchen back home. The music was light jazz, the lighting soft, and I was so used to shopping at a big box discount store or over the internet that I felt pampered.
When Elena saw me in the dress, her face lit up. “Yes!” She pumped her fist, a gesture I would do. “Turn around in a circle so I can see all of you. Do it with flair.”
Laughing, I wasn’t certain I knew how. But I did it anyway, the material flowing free from my legs as I spun on the balls of my feet in a twirl after twirl. Even one of the three clerks clapped. This was ridiculous but way too much fun.
“Perfect. Stavros is going to die when he sees you in that. Now, try on the pumps. I think animal print is perfect.”
“Animal print? You already insisted I purchase boots and two pairs of heels along with a different color pair of tennis shoes. What do I need with more high heels?”
“Girl. You really need to get out more. Every woman needs at least thirty pairs of heels in different colors.” Elena thrust out the shoes, shaking them as her eyes lit up.
They had to be four, maybe ten inches tall. “I’ll break my neck.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll teach you how to walk in them.”
She was truly a delight, which made me crazy in thinking about how she could stand growing up surrounded by danger. My God. Bruno and Jarvis were right outside like hulking figures, watching the street like hawks. They were at least six foot six inches tall, weighing over two fifty each. They could wrestle a thousand-pound bear and come out the winners. While they hadn’t crowded our style, it was strange to have them following us everywhere. Elena wasn’t fazed in the least. However, they had come in handy during our trip, proving to be worthy valets, doing the heavy lifting with our packages.
I should say my packages. So far, Elena had purchased one item, although I had noticed she’d added it to one of the purchases for me made with her brother’s credit card. Somehow, I doubt she needed the money. It was more about a point she was making. I think I adored her even more. If only I could spend more time with my own sister.
We’d been shopping for at least four hours, most of the stores having names I didn’t recognize. Elena had gone into one after another, sifting through the clothing racks in seconds, pulling out a dozen outfits for me to try on.
I’d added jeans and sweaters, tops and casual dresses, skirts and blouses. Now this was the second more formal dress. I had no idea where she thought I’d be wearing all the beautiful frocks, especially if I was kept locked away inside the man’s house.
I popped on the shoes, swaying on purpose just for fun. At first Elena looked concerned until I paraded around in front of her, acting like a model for the first time in my life. I’d chastised myself at least ten times for allowing the wicked girl inside to enjoy the day, but I was losing track of all the reasons why.
“Absolutely perfect,” Elena said.
“Stunning,” one of the clerks whispered.
“This is really too much,” I insisted. I dared not look at the price tag of the shoes. “I’m a simple girl. I don’t need much.”
Elena rose to her feet like a Persian cat would do. I could swear I heard her purring. “Every woman deserves to have her rough and tumble wardrobe and the one that will drive her man nuts.”
“There’s only one problem with that lovely theory. I don’t have a man.”
It was her turn to roll her eyes. “Hurry up and change. We have more shopping to do.”
“Those brutes out there are going to hate you if we attach any additional bags to their strong arms.”
“Honey. For what they get paid, they have no issue doing exactly as I say.” She wagged her finger and I seriously doubted she was kidding. “But first. I’m famished. Time for food and wine. Lots of wine.”
There was no chance I could be unhappy around her.
I hurried to change, Elena grabbing the dress the minute it was ripped from my body. By the time I resurfaced from fighting to get on her way too tight jeans, the purchases had been made, one of the brutes taking everything to the car.
“I have the perfect place in mind for lunch. Just a short walk from here.”
“You’re allowed to walk around the city?”
She gave me a funny little look. “We’re not living in the dark ages. Besides, daytime hits are out of the movies. I assure you our enemies are much more sophisticated now.”
Her rather callous attitude about her life continued to surprise me. I had so many questions I wanted to ask her, so much curiosity. As we walked out into the bright afternoon sun, she seemed even more relaxed than before.
“What do you do?” I asked.
“You mean other than spend money from a huge trust fund?” She was grinning when she asked.