Page 49 of Lord of Ruin
She gave me a saucy look, shielded her mouth and leaned over the tables. “Fuck buddies.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.”
“How many?”
“Six, but who’s counting?”
The heat rose on my face so fast I had to fan it with my hand.
“Don’t look so embarrassed. As beautiful as you are, I’m certain you have men lining up at your door. Isn’t she gorgeous? Would you date her?” She asked the poor waiter the question. Now I thought he was going to pass out.
“Um. Um. Hell, yes. I’d date her in a heartbeat.”
I couldn’t help myself, leaning over the table. “I’m going to smother you. Keep that in mind.”
The young man managed to pour our wine but couldn’t leave the table fast enough. I decided to egg it on for fun, watching him walk away. I even cocked and lowered my head, staring straight at his butt. “Not bad.”
“Mmm… You’re a bad girl after all. Here I thought you were a virgin.”
“Oh, hell, no, although men don’t want to date girls like me.”
“Let me give you a piece of advice,” she said as she lifted her glass of wine with one hand, using the manicured index finger of her other to draw circles and squares on the table. “My brother is very, and I do mean very possessive. He’s the kind of man that if another dude would even look at you in what he’d consider an inappropriate way, the guy wouldn’t be able to eat for a month, maybe more.”
“You’re kidding me?”
“No, I’m not. When you’re considered belonging to him, that’s it. Period.”
I took a sip of wine, marveling at the taste. “I don’t belong to him, Elena. I know what it seems like, but I don’t want to be here and I’m certain he’s sick of me by now.”
“Oh, no. He hasn’t shown such a spark since…” For the first time during the time we’d spent together, a strange look of sadness crossed her face.
“Nothing. It’s just he’s been working for so many years that he doesn’t take time out for himself.”
She was lying. What secrets was Stavros hiding? “Tell me about your brother.”
“Let’s see. He has a white knight syndrome ingrained in him, which has surprised the rest of the family. We have no clue where he gets that from. He’s tried to hide the real man, but his way too crusty yet sweet personality keeps creeping out. Given he wasn’t the oldest boy, he was given a little freer rein to do what he wanted with his life, but not by much. Still, he’s brilliant with numbers, keeping the Diamondis Corporation on track. He’s brooding and enjoys spending time alone but I’m sure you’re heard already that he can light up a room with his laugh.”
I thought about the time I’d spent with him. “I’ve heard more growls than real laughter. I don’t even know if the man can have any fun.”
“He can but it takes him a little while. You have to understand. After taking over from our father, who was an okay businessman but preferred the old ways of doing business taught by my grandfather, my brothers have parlayed the family’s wealth from millions to billions over the last few years.”
“Wow is right. I respect them greatly, even if they act like Alexandra and I are ten years old still, needing the protection of our big brothers. But honestly, Stavros really does have a heart of gold. He just… Well, it’s just tarnished. Don’t get me wrong. You don’t want to cross him. He’s proven to be one heck of a brutal dictator when necessary, but I know he’d like a family.”
I threw my hand out to object and she shook her head. “I don’t know the details of what happened. You can tell me or not tell me. That’s your choice. I completely understand why you’re angry with Stavros for how he forced you to come with him, but I assure you he wouldn’t have done so without having a valid reason. You made an impression on him. You took care of him.”
“Under duress.”
“Whatever the case,” Elena continued. “He was taken with you. He wanted to protect you. He was determined not to have you fall into the enemy’s hands. And he will continue protecting you even if that means losing his life.”
“He doesn’t know me like I don’t know him. At all. He killed two people right in front of my eyes. That doesn’t bode well for dating material.” I sensed my voice had gotten too loud.
She sighed and took a sip of her wine.