Page 73 of Lord of Ruin
“Maybe the fact you don’t think anything is wrong. I know better. What is happening?”
“Nothing that you need to be concerned with.” I shifted underneath her, lifting my legs and plunging my cock as deep inside as possible.
She licked a bead of sweat from her upper lip as she shook her head. “I told you. I’m a big girl. I can handle news about whatever is going on. You might think I’m fragile, but that’s simply not the case.”
We moved together slowly, our combined actions much gentler than before. There was something entirely different about the way we were studying each other, perhaps looking into our respective souls for answers. “There’s an organization determined to rule the world.”
I was certain she was going to laugh but she appeared thoughtful. “And let me guess. Your family is determined to stop that from happening.”
“That and a few buddies who are friends with my brother.” I wasn’t going to tell her anything about the Brotherhood. I owed that much to them. Loyalty. Respect. Those were both two words and sentiments that had been forgotten in our way of life.
“Because of the Russian man who tried to defile me?”
I brushed her hair away from her face. “It’s a little more complicated than that.”
Jenna looked away and I could tell she had something on her mind, a thought or concern that I couldn’t place. I pulled her face back to center, narrowing my eyes. “Did something happen you’re not telling me about?”
“No, I just… Between the guy watching me in New York and…”
“And?” My voice was stern. There was no doubt she was trying to keep a secret from me.
She was the one who shifted this time, creating a wave of friction and sensations as if attempting to avoid the question.
I gripped the back of her neck with my other hand, holding her in place. “And? Answer me. Now.”
“I just thought I saw a guy watching us today when we were at lunch. Then again at the winery. But he was gone before I blinked.”
Hissing, I cocked my head. “Did you tell Elena or her men?”
“When the guy disappeared, I thought they’d think I was nuts.”
“I’m going to tell you this one. Last. Time. We can’t fuck around with your safety. I can’t stress that enough. There is some bad shit going on and I have a feeling it’s about to get worse.”
“If you’re trying to frighten me, it’s working.”
“Good,” I told her then softened. “I know you can’t stand the thought of my life, but it’s your life right now. I might not be able to make promises about what the future holds, but I need your help in keeping you safe. I will never claim to be a good man, but I do not want to see anything happen to you. Promise me you’ll be careful and wise.”
She placed her hand on my chest. “I wanted to hate you for what you did to me and to my life. A part of me still does, but I don’t want to die or for you to be killed. Elena reminded me that above all you’re a man, a son and a brother, an uncle and a friend. Even if you are a killer.”
The last part was said with a slight smile. I lifted her chin using a single finger. “I’m all of the above, mageménos and perhaps more.”
“I couldn’t stand when you called me your enchanted one but it’s growing on me.”
I could feel some of her tension easing. Meanwhile mine was increasing. Her instincts were spot on, even if she had no understanding of what they meant inside this life. What she’d seen was almost certainly true. I was going to hunt the motherfucker down and destroy him.
Yeah. That’s when I had to remind myself there was an entire list of options.
Press here for candidate number one.
I hissed inwardly from the thought before dragging her as close to my now overheated body as the tight confines would allow. I nipped her earlobe before sliding the tip of my tongue into the shell of her ear. Her giggle from being tickled was another adorable little trait. And she had plenty, like wrapping strands of hair around her finger when nervous. Or the way she pouted her lips when she was frustrated, which was often.
Mostly I adored her spunk.
However, I was beginning to believe it would be the single thing that would get her killed. But not tonight.
I eased my hand to her hair, tangling my fingers in the strands and jerking back so her long, sexy neck was revealed in all its glory. As I began fucking her again with enough ferocity I was certain the entire bathtub was going to be drained of water when we were finished, she undulated and moaned. She twisted her lips as I dragged my teeth from one side of her jaw to the other. There was nothing like the way her muscles clamped around my cock, keeping me buried deep inside.
The pulsing was electric, much like the rapid beating of my heart. I would be foolish not to want to feast on and fuck her all the time. We moved together as one, neither one of us blinking. As she bent her legs, switching the angle, her pussy tightened even more and I was certain I was going to lose my load prematurely. Tonight I wanted something else entirely, something even more carnal than what we’d shared in the SUV.