Page 79 of Lord of Ruin
Neither one of us spoke for a full minute.
“I need some time to think about it. But you need to handle that ridiculous attorney of ours. He’s quitting. For all I know he’s working with the assholes trying to destroy us.”
“Jeff called me right after he talked with you. Or I should say you threatened him. He’s not involved in any of this.”
“But what about the company his firm is working with?”
Phoenix sighed. “That might be a different story. Stop worrying so much. I do control our empire.”
“So you continue to tell me.”
“Because I’m your damn brother and I give a shit what happens to you.”
He finally patted me on the back, heading back to the diner.
“Thanks,” I said over my shoulder.
“That’s what brothers are for.”
At least I could almost breathe a sigh of relief.
Christos flanked my side, saying nothing at first. “Where to, boss? Back home?”
“Head to Giant. I need to pick up some flowers.”
“At a goddamn grocery store?”
“In case you haven’t noticed,” I said as I whipped out my sunglasses. “It’s early, which means there isn’t a flower shop open. Plus, open your eyes, my friend. Giant has everything you need for a romantic evening.”
“Maybe you need to get out more, boss. I think your choices are a little skewed.”
Now I could laugh, although I had a bad feeling the worst was yet to come.
Ifelt a light breeze tickling my skin and sighed, stretching out my arms even as sleep wanted to consume me all over again. Yawning, I opened my eyes, squinting at the amount of light coming in through the open blinds.
Rolling over, I slowly eased my arm across the bed, hopeful to find the big hunk of a Greek god was still lying beside me. When I felt nothing but cool sheets, I closed my eyes all over again. A few seconds later, my brain registered some strange substance on the bed. Even though my brain was foggy, I jerked my head up, instantly regretting it. The ache behind my eyes made moving painful.
Oh, how could I forget? Too much wine.
And sex.
Lots of wild, rough, and amazing sex.
Unable to focus just yet, I returned my head to the goose-down pillow, staring up at the ceiling as I spread my arms. What were my fingers rubbing against? I lifted my head more carefully this time, instantly pressing my hand over my mouth. Rose petals covered the bed in various vivid colors.
What had the man done?
I laughed, struck by how strange it seemed for the man to do something so out of character. He wasn’t a romantic by his own admittance. So what was this all about?
I managed to sit up, holding the sheet over my naked breasts as I ran my fingers through the beautiful sea of colors. The light breeze flowing in through the open window allowed a few petals to float from one spot to another. The romantic scene was incredible, the most special thing anyone had ever done for me.
Which was why I hated that in the back of my mind, I questioned why.