Page 84 of Lord of Ruin
“I don’t know but I feel something.”
Everything slowed down, my captor turning his head and calling out to Christos and the others.
But by then it was too late.
The flash of taillights on the SUV we’d ridden in meant a key fob had been pressed.
And then… A horrific explosion, the force pummeling us both through the air. The slow motion remained as we were flying, smoke billowing everywhere. Even though my ears echoed, I would never forget the horrific crackling and whooshing sound as intense fire erupted or the ragged screams from at least one of the men.
As we were tossed on the pavement brutally, my head hit the asphalt. The fire was so hot. I could see pretty little flames dancing across my jeans.
“No!” Stavros bellowed, immediately wrapping his body across mine. “Baby. Oh, God, baby.”
“Stav-ros…” I managed.
I could tell I was fading into unconsciousness. But not before I noticed the steel hood crashing down like shattered glass.
“They’re fucking dead. Two men murdered. Christos battered to fuck and the woman I’m fucking falling in love with knocked unconscious, her entire body covered in bumps, bruises, and blood. For the love of fuck, her clothes were on fire. And you want me to go to Santorini like we’re on some fucking holiday?”
I hadn’t just raised my voice. I was yelling almost at the top of my lungs. I was sick with anger and worry, the rage I felt enough that I continued to see spots of blood in my eyes. My ears were also ringing from the effects of the horrific blast.
“Calm down,” Phoenix insisted.
“Fuck you, I’m not calming down. How the hell did someone manage to put a goddamn bomb under the SUV? I thought we had the world’s best security,” I asked, noticing just how quiet the room had gotten. It was filled with soldiers, both my brothers and their Capos here as well. I continued pacing the floor, now several hours after the horrific incident.
The fire department had arrived within minutes, but the SUV had been completely destroyed, the amount of explosive material used also significantly damaging the second SUV and another car parked close.
It had been more than just a shitshow for a little while, the police swarming the area and blocking it off. I had a feeling we’d still be at the precinct had our family not been particularly generous to the police department. While the paramedics had given their okay to allow Jenna to come home with me, it had been a fight with Christos and he hadn’t wanted to remain at the hospital.
Goddamn it. This shit was a nightmare.
“I want the people responsible found! Immediately.” Jesus Christ. I needed a drink.
“You need to calm the fuck down. Hunting the bastard down is not going to happen right away, but the family cannot have you as a target any longer. Or Christos for that matter.”
I knew what Phoenix was getting ready to say. I took long strides toward the bar, yanking my personal bottle of fucking cheap ass bourbon into my hand. I was ready to drink from the bottle, but I hadn’t turned into that much of a heathen. Yet. But I was pretty goddamn certain it would happen the moment I found the fucker who tried to blow up my woman.
My goddamn woman. Seeing her catch on fire had nearly gutted me. Just like the other times she’d nearly lost her life. Because of me. Because of my family’s brutal regime.
I poured a hefty glass, taking gasping breaths. My blood pressure had skyrocketed, the entire event more of a blur than anything.
Although I would never forget the sound of her moans as she rolled over. Or the sight of blood from the dozen scrapes covering her arms and legs.
I’d remember when I dug my knife into the eyes of the perpetrator.
“Make certain the premises of every estate, every building are secure. Check for any signs of tampering and bombs. If you see anything suspicious, make a phone call. I don’t give a shit if you need to purchase sniffing dogs. Do it. Now!”
Phoenix’s order was complied with instantly, men piling out of the den. I tossed back a significant portion of the liquid before preparing to toss it against the wall. My brother stopped me, the hard look one I’d seen only a few times before.
When everyone else was out of the room, Nico approached as well.
“You can’t do that to yourself, Stav,” Nico said. “It’s not going to help find the perpetrator. Who knew where you were going today?”
“The four men who work for me. Two of them dead.”