Page 63 of Save Me
“Well, that’s it then! I’m sentenced to spending the rest of my life with him and the whole, fucked up Mayfield organization!”
My voice betrays how terrified I’m beginning to feel. Mum has just delivered me her depressing recount of events from her meeting with my future husband. Panic soon morphs into despair and extreme misery when I decide to resign myself to giving up; to accept my fate and free everyone with my submission to Oliver. This is all summed up by one rather ungraceful faceplant onto the kitchen table.
“No, that is not happening!” Mum growls, sounding as though she’s angry with me for voicing what she doesn’t want to hear.
I begin rocking my face from side to side against the tabletop while she continues to tirelessly try and look up anything disparaging on my future husband, my biological grandfather, their companies, and of course, Mayfield itself. It’s a fruitless mission, one that is less likely to give her anything than the barren wasteland out the back of the Lawrence mansion. Evidently, everything she types comes up with nada.
“Oh, just forget it, Mum!” I cry out in frustration, banging the flat of my hand on top of the table as I become increasingly irritated by her firm belief that she’ll find something that’s not there. “I’m going to go and get my things ready for school tomorrow. I take it ‘Lug’ still has to come with me?” I ask grumpily, gesturing to the front door where Leo is still keeping guard. Mum looks at me sympathetically because I already know Oliver has insisted that he attend school with me, including walking me to my classes so I can look like an even bigger freak than I did before. I guess I was kind of hoping that he might have gone against the usual grain and considered my wants for just a fraction of a second. Apparently not.
My hands clench into fists as I stomp out into the living room and grab a pillow to scream into, the fury inside of my veins becoming more and more unbearable to contain. Mum is already up and behind me, ready to pull me into one of her Mum hugs, which won’t change the situation, but has you relinquishing your anger whether you want to or not. I soon end up physically slumping against her, though not without a dramatic huff of irritation.
“I know this is infuriating for you, Beth, but at least we have some time to try and come up with something. He says you don’t have to go this Sunday, so that’s good, isn’t it?”
“Oh, yeah, great, all my problems are solved because he let me off one Sunday!” I reply sarcastically, pouting like an ungrateful child who is far too spoilt for her own good. “Forget I have to go to one of their fucked-up events so I can meet my equally fucked-up grandfather!”
“Beth!” Mum, who really is trying her hardest and has nothing to do with what has happened to me, calls out. However, being in the ridiculously vile mood that I’m in, I’ve already backed myself away and am now ascending the stairs with the view to having a good sulk-slash-pity-party for myself all afternoon.
“Please,” I reply with a sigh, “I just want to be alone for a bit.”
She smiles tightly and nods, giving up on the lost cause of trying to cheer me up because let’s face it, what can she say that will snap me out of this funk? I can’t even call my boyfriend, let alone see him. And now I’ve gone and bitten my innocent mother’s head off because she’s not telling me what I want to hear.
Pull yourself together, Beth! If this does all happen, which it increasingly looks like it will, I don’t know if I will be allowed to see my mum again. I certainly won’t be able to see her in the way I do now. I’ll most likely be guarded to make sure I’m not giving away Mayfield secrets or plans to escape. Yet here I am now, with the freedom to be her daughter in the way that I want to be, and I’m pushing her away. I guess I just can’t take her positivity in trying to find a way out of this shit any longer. I’ve already given up hope so perhaps it would be best if everybody else did too.
Chapter 21
Being the kind of idiot who has no self-restraint whatsoever, and who is always shoving my problems onto the guy who will be me in the future, I walk the school corridor with my eyes wide open, scouring the crowds of people for Beth. Only so that when I do eventually lay my eyes upon her, I will have to act as though I’m not absolutely crazy about her. To make others believe that the girl isn’t even on my radar. However, when she does eventually walk through the front entrance, with her hair falling in waves down her back, and those blue eyes looking sadly at the floor, I cannot stop staring. Now future me is me and he’s not dealing with my problems as well as I had hoped.
Her bodyguard, aka King Kong, immediately spots me and glares with an obvious warning in his eyes, trying to intimidate me into staying the fuck away. However, it doesn’t stop me from watching her walk past me, right up until she disappears inside of her first class. As soon as she’s out of sight, I notice all the whispering and shocked expressions from the other students. They’re all trying to decipher who the man with Beth is and why the hell he’s here. Unsurprisingly, no one has ever had a bodyguard in school before, not even the guy who had once appeared in a commercial for acne and deemed it necessary to tell everyone. We all knew who he was, we just didn’t care.
Patiently, I wait until most of the other students have dispersed inside of their classrooms before I surreptitiously slide a note in the side of Beth’s locker. I then walk slowly toward my first lesson; I’m already late so why bother to rush for it. My mind stays fixed on that note, hoping she gets it before lunchtime when I’ve asked her to meet me in the girl’s ground floor bathroom. It’s been too long since we last spoke or touched one another, and my hands feel itchy without her inside of them. Granted, I may get a few strange looks when I creep into the bathroom, particularly if there are girls inside, but it’s the only place that guarantees her bodyguard won’t follow. Besides, years of being ever so charming and playing the high school pretty boy have earned me the ability to captivate most girls into letting me get away with virtually anything. Getting the place to ourselves without being ratted out shouldn’t be too hard.
It feels like months have passed by when I finally slip inside of the girls’ bathroom, but low and behold, when I do, it’s completely empty. After ten minutes of me wondering whether I’m just going to be hanging around in here for my own health, I hear the tell-tale tapping of her shoes walking inside to meet me. Her footsteps are cautious, and I imagine her heart is thumping twice its usual speed when she finally stops in front of my stall. I breathe a sigh of relief when the door begins to creak open, then yank her inside to kiss her with everything I have. I grin smugly against her lips when she emits a gasp over the sudden shock of it. She feels my arousal below and returns the smirk against my mouth and with her hands dropping to rest on my hips a little too suggestively for me to control my raging hormones.
“Gotta say, this is not the romantic setting a girl thinks of when she pictures making out with her boyfriend,” she says with an infectious giggle.
“I don’t care where we are, babe, so long as I have your lips on me, it’s all good!”
I kiss her again before uncontrollably grinding myself against her, causing her to emit a moan that doesn’t do a thing to help my situation below.
“Nice answer!” She smiles as she pushes me down onto the toilet seat and begins to straddle me. Her less than subtle suggestion has me kissing her more desperately and becoming just as urgent as she is to give into our lust. I love this girl; why wouldn’t I want to be inside of her every chance I can, particularly given our precarious situation. She begins undoing my pants and is quick to release me, touching me with long, even strokes which only intensify with each brush of her hand.
“I need you, Xander,” she whispers on a kiss, pulling at my lip as she completes it. “Don’t argue with me; we’ll have to be quick!”
“You don’t have to tell me twice, but I want you to know this isn’t why I asked to meet you in here,” I moan.
A smile takes over my face as she slides her panties to the side and impales herself on me with a pleasurable sigh. I hold onto her hips tightly and begin thrusting into her with a hunger I didn’t know was inside of me until she sat over my lap just now. She rocks her hips against mine, helping to set the pace and keeping us moving until she’s ready to let go with me. She clenches all around me, letting me know she’s in charge of both of our impending orgasms. She kisses me hungrily on the build-up to what is about to occur only if, and when, she lets it.
“Oh, God, I love you,” she whispers inside of my ear, with a heavy sob sitting behind each of her words. The sadness and desperation within her voice has me holding onto her that little bit harder while we both gravitate to a point of no return. “I can’t do this; I can’t be with him!”
“Won’t happen, Beth, I love you and I’m going to save you. I promise!”
She emits a silent gasp when she reaches her pinnacle, only moments before I do. It seems to last for a deliciously long time, where we remain suspended in a state of sheer ecstasy. Even after the come down, I’m still gripping hold of her, not wanting to let go until the very last second when we know Leo will begin looking for her; girl’s toilets be damned.
Reluctantly, she wriggles off from me, straightens up, all the while looking away. It’s as though our less than salubrious surroundings have suddenly come to the forefront of both our minds. It is what it is, unfair and unbefitting for two people who want nothing more than to be together. She cups my face without warning, kisses me chastely on the lips, then walks away without another word. It’s only when I hear the click of the outside door that I know she’s gone. It forces me to bite down hard on my fist; if I don’t, I might rip this whole bathroom apart.