Page 9 of Save Me
“Tis only a year, my sweet!” she tries to reason with me.
“Oh, yeah, cos we all know it’s going to be way better for me after that!” I throw back at her.
“Hmmm, well, you know my thoughts on that,” she replies, finally sounding more serious. She talks about my situation as though it’s something I have a real choice in.
“Oh shit,” I suddenly gasp, “what if that picture gets out and someone sees it?”
“Oh relax, even if someone does see it, you can tell it’s been set up if you’re lying asleep next to it. I wouldn’t even worry about it.”
“Ok, maybe you’re right,” I mumble around my thumbnail as I try and think for a minute. “Why me, Annie? Why does it have to be me?”
“Dunno, babe,” she replies, “but if I had my way, it wouldn’t be you sacrificing yourself by the time the deadline comes around.”
“Well,” I whisper, shaking that thought away, “thank God I’m at the beach next Saturday.” I run my hand through my hair, which is in desperate need of a wash after sleeping in a dog cupboard all night. “I think after being at this school for one week, I’m going to need to get shitfaced with my proper friends!”
“Yes, but we’ll have to remember to keep it PG. We wouldn’t want the whole thing to blow up in your father’s face now, would we?” she replies sarcastically and a little bit deviously if I’m not mistaken.
Suddenly I hear a cough from behind me, so instinctively turn around to see who it is.
“Oh crap,” I mutter to Annie, just loud enough so he can hear too.
“What now?!” she cries excitedly, and with that ridiculous grin behind her words.
“Captain America,” I answer flatly, “I’ll call you later.”
“Let me know when the next instalment is out!” she teases.
I remain expressionless as I drop my phone inside of my hoodie pocket, then fold my arms defensively in front of me. I look at him with a mixture of anger, humiliation, and annoyingly, lust. He runs his hand through his black hair, which is cut short and sexy and is lying in a I-don’t-even-need-to-style-it kind of way. He smirks at me, and I realize he’s just heard my entire conversation with Annie, the eavesdropping arsehole.
“Captain America, huh?” he says, finally breaking the silence and looking totally smug about my earlier assessment of him. “I can live with that description.”
I smile tightly but make no attempt to answer him. I wouldn’t even know what to say if my voice was working. Besides, I can bet the healthy blush on my cheeks is doing enough talking for me.
“Listen, I, er, I didn’t mean to be so aggressive back there. I thought you were stealing Case’s phone and I suppose I overreacted. She’s my twin and often gets herself into stupid situations, so I’m probably a little overprotective of her.”
“It’s fine,” I shrug, then I turn to leave.
“Wait,” he calls out as he pulls at my upper arm. It causes a zing of electricity against my skin, just under where his fingertips are lying. I still choose to glare at the offending digits before looking up at him angrily, forcing myself to remember how he had made me feel only minutes ago when he called me a filthy thief. He takes in my sneer and instantly lets go of my arm, making my skin freeze from the loss of contact.
“I mean, I saw the picture and deleted it for you. It hasn’t gone anywhere so no need to worry.”
“Thanks,” I mumble, feeling thoroughly embarrassed by him seeing me with a veiny dick being pointed toward my face, so turn to leave again.
“And I didn’t mean to call you a filthy thief, that was uncalled for,” he admits, “I apologize for that one.”
“Do you think you could do me a favor…?”
“Xander,” he answers my unvoiced question and begins to smile with confidence, like he’s won me over with a bit of charm and a flash of his perfect teeth. A combination that no doubt usually works for him when it comes to the opposite sex. “Sure, I think I owe you that much. What is it?”
“Do you think you and your cow bag sister could leave me the hell alone?” I smile sweetly before walking away without giving him the chance to respond.
My mood has turned thunderous since my encounter with Xander. By the time I navigate my way back home, hot, and sweaty from the hour and a half walk, I’m ready to ignore everyone and get into my own bed where I can brood in private.
“Hey, baby,” Mum smiles cheerfully at me, “how was it? I was about to come and pick you up!”
“Oh, absolutely tip-top,” I reply sarcastically, “can’t wait for the next one!”
“That bad?” Her smile fades into looking guiltily at me, which then causes me to feel guilty too. I personally believe all great mothers must have this talent for guilting their offspring to hand, even when they’re the ones who have fucked up. “I’m sorry, Beth, I just wanted you to have a good time.”