Page 46 of Save You
An hour of waiting passes by, and I almost want him to come and call me sooner rather than later. The anticipation of leaving had become suffocating a long while ago, so I’m now at a point whereby I would rather it just happened. A long procession of black cars has been parked out front for the past ten minutes, so I know he’s coming.
A soft knock comes from the double doors, causing my heart to speed up. Before they can reach me, I stuff my daughter’s hat deep inside of my jacket pocket.
“Come in!” I call out in a raspy breath.
The doors click open to reveal a friendly face, one that tells my heart to stand down and to take the opportunity to be relieved for it. Leo smiles sheepishly at me before gesturing for us to go. We walk past the pictures that still line the dark corridor, remaining silent and slow as I face the beginning of my new life, away from my family, my freedom, and my home.
Oliver waits for me by the open door of the central car, smiling at me as though he is the love of my life, like I’m truly happy to be going with him. As we step inside of the car, he instructs the driver and Leo to head straight to the airport, to be ready to escort me under armed guard, and to be on the lookout for any potential threats. The hairs at the back of my neck stand on end as I begin to consider why he would be giving such orders. Am I now in more danger than merely being under his firm hand for the rest of my life? Are there threats I haven’t even considered?
Once inside, Oliver grabs my hand and holds it tightly against his thigh. I stare at our intertwined fingers for a while, imagining what Xander and our child might be doing now, and whether he’s managing without me. The thought of either scenario has that ball of emotion in my throat threatening to break out into full-blown tears. Trying to shake the punishing thoughts away, I turn my head to stare out of the window and try to ignore the fact that my home is now whizzing past me, that I’m being taken away from everyone who matters to me.
When I glance up-front, I catch Leo’s eyes watching me through the rear-view mirror, his face full of concern, knowing how desperate I must be feeling. If things were different, I would be with my family here, not being dragged to the other side of the country to marry someone I fear and despise. In the end, I close my eyes and pretend to go to sleep so I no longer have to face any of it.
After we arrive at the airport, which is extremely busy, Leo is at my door within seconds. A guard from the car upfront comes up behind me so I am effectively being marched through the airport in the middle of a muscle sandwich. Oliver has even more security on him, with two extra flanked at his sides. My heart is pounding over all the extra security around here, and the sound of my ridiculous heeled-shoes tip taping along the tiled floor seems to sound all the louder. I don’t even fully take in all the people around us as they laugh and chat about their holidays.
As instructed, I am wearing big black sunglasses that cover half my face and only remove them when asked to at security points. Leo takes charge of my documents and instructs me to keep my head down and to not make eye contact with any of the other tourists. The whole parade is terrifying, and part of me wants to scream, to demand why I am being marched along like a criminal being led to execution. However, for Leo’s sake, I keep quiet and do what he asks without question.
As soon as we are through security, we are led down a private walkway that is cordoned off to the rest of the public. We march silently, with everyone else but me appearing beyond comfortable with all of this, even Leo. My eyes remain wide, confused and desperately seeking answers to a whole host of questions, some of which, I’m sure I haven’t even thought of yet.
Eventually, we come to a waiting area where I can see a private jet waiting on the tarmac outside. It bears the Lawrence brand along the side of the main cabin and up the tail. I stand at the window staring at it, marveling at its sleek appearance, but also feeling sick over everything that already has, and is about to pass.
“We are ready to take off when you are, Sir,” the air stewardess informs Oliver. He nods in acknowledgement, then begins walking over to where I am now standing.
“Good, I want to be in the air as soon as possible. My security will come and do their usual checks,” he tells her, looking charming and protective over me. It’s almost laughable, considering his finger marks are still showing on my neck from where he had tried to strangle me a week or so ago. “Leo and Martin will remain with us.”
With that, the other guards follow the immaculately dressed stewardess through a door that leads to the jet.
“Oliver?” I ask in a voice that is barely audible.
“Yes, my darling,” he whispers and leans in to kiss my temple, acting the dutiful fiancé.
“Why is there so much…?” I gesture around to Leo and Martin, not finishing my sentence because I can see he already knows what I am referring to.
“Security?” he finishes for me, smiling at me like I’m the naïve child he takes me for. “Let’s just say some people are jealous of my success in Mayfield, while others would like to see Mayfield fold altogether.”
“Am I in danger then?” I turn and frown at him, as if accusing him of purposefully being secretive about this.
“Beth Taylor died, remember?” he argues with a wicked smile upon his lips. “Measures have had to be taken to cover up your…indiscretion.”
“What does that mean?” I step back from him, knowing that my situation is about to become even more precarious, that I’m about to lose some of myself again.
“I can’t risk anyone knowing you are still alive, so I am now officially engaged to your grandfather’s great-niece, Angela Steele. All of your identification documents have been changed and our guards are under strict instructions to keep your appearance hidden from the general public. Only Mayfield officials and those of the elite circles know who you really are.”
“So…so…” I close my eyes tightly while trying to make some sort of peace with this, “so I really have died?”
“It’s not ideal, Beth, but seeing as Angela still bears your grandfather’s name, I am still set for the top spot!” He kisses my cheek before smiling at me again. “You will remain hidden, apart from people I ok. Do you understand, Angela?”
I stare at him, not being able to give him an answer either way. I think the only reason I get away with not answering him straight away, is that security has just returned to give Oliver the ok to push ahead with the flight. After which, my hand is taken, and we are ushered through the doorway and into the luxurious interior of the private plane.
“I want you to sit with Leo, darling,” he whispers before physically passing me over into my security guard’s care. “I have work to do, and you’ll only distract me.”
The stewardess smiles over his seemingly over-the-top affection, and I have a sudden need to vomit. Especially when I imagine her going back to her colleague to tell her all about the handsome prince outback. Leo must have read my thoughts because he’s now leading us over to some seats right at the very back, hopefully where no one will bother us.
I watch Oliver chirruping away to someone beside him, his hands gesturing the whole time while whoever it is nods along with him, all the time looking just as serious. From what I could make out on the night my grandfather had come over to dinner, it won’t be long before Oliver takes over from him at Mayfield. I think I only spoke about three words that night and pretty much switched off after hearing Carl Steele congratulated Oliver for finding me and forcing me to submit. They mistook my stony silence for obedience and smiled at one another smugly. It took a lot of willpower not to throw my drink all over them, knowing that Oliver’s success has come through my sacrificing everything.
Of course, I held onto my drink because what would have been the point? Unfortunately, I have to make this work for the sake of Xander and my little girl. They are my priority and always will be. My baby has to be kept safely out of all of this, to be the one to break the cycle.
“How you holding up, kid?” Leo asks quietly, breaking me out of my inner thoughts. We don’t openly talk to one another much because we don’t really know how much is being listened to.