Page 31 of Chase
“So, what’s your game plan?” Daniel asks, snapping my thoughts away from that awful day. “Seduce her? Show her your bank balance and sweep her off her feet? It’s your usual go-to plan.”
He smirks, which only makes me feel even sleazier for using my finances as a means to attract women in the past. She’s worth so much more than that. Besides, while I admit a lot of women are drawn to my money, I know she couldn’t give two hoots about it.
“If I tried any of that kind of shit on her, she’d be more likely to slap me than fall for me,” I tell him, laughing softly over the thought of trying to woo her with fancy gifts and dinners. “I have no idea how to tame Izzy Chase.”
He raises his brow in surprise over what just came out of my big, stupid mouth.
“Sorry, tame is the wrong word. God, I’m sounding more and more like a jerk over this girl. I’ve always loved her fiery side, but somehow, it’s all there is to her at the moment. The Izzy I’m currently residing with isn’t the whole Izzy I remember.”
“So…?” he tries to prompt me.
“So, at present? I’m fucked,” I admit, closing my eyes and sighing all the while he chuckles over my misfortune.
When I get home, Izzy isn’t there, so I glance at my watch to see that it’s half-seven already. Seeing as I don’t actually know what she does for a living, I can’t make out if this is normal or late for her. It’s odd how uncomfortable I suddenly feel over not knowing where she is or who she’s with; I’ve not known these things for years. But she is my responsibility now.
With nothing to do but wait, I head straight upstairs for a long, hot shower before making my way into the kitchen to fix something for dinner. It will stop me from driving myself crazy if nothing else.
I make my mom’s favorite, spaghetti bolognese, knowing I can leave it for her if she doesn’t get back till late, if at all. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to win her over if she’s always out this late because I’m exhausted. I don’t think I have the energy to battle with her or try and convince her that I care. I suspect she doesn’t believe anyone does, which is incredibly sad. But then, Izzy’s entire life has been extremely sad.
She’s still not home by the time I serve myself some dinner, so head straight to the table and switch on the TV. I watch some surfing from back home, then realize, like a giant kid, I have tomato sauce dribbling down my white t-shirt.
“Shit!” I mutter before hearing the door slam close with a bang. Squeaky sneakers pad along the tiles in the hallway before she finally enters the kitchen.
“Evening,” she greets me. “Wow, you cooked!”
I almost laugh at her genuinely shocked expression over my culinary skills. In my household, we all took turns in cooking, no matter what. Mom was not prepared to accept that her sex was reason enough to have to do all the household chores. Both Dad and I accepted that fact without question.
“You needn’t look surprised,” I reply as I pull off my t-shirt to shove straight into the washing machine. Izzy stares at my half-naked body before shaking her head and turning around to get some water. I smile, knowing she obviously liked what she saw. “Help yourself,” I offer, gesturing to the saucepans on the cooker. “You always liked my mom’s spaghetti.”
“Thanks,” she says, sounding tired but genuine for once. She plates up some pasta and sauce before coming to sit down at the end of the table, keeping her back to the screen. “So, you gonna put some clothes on, Mr Vain?”
“Nah, I thought I’d let you sit there and drool over me,” I tease, “does wonders for my ego.” She shrugs and continues to eat, with my attempt at humor falling flat like a lead balloon.
“Good day?” I change the subject, trying to have some sort of normal conversation with her.
“Sure, got a fifty quid tip from a favorite client of mine,” she says with a fake smile. “You?”
“So, so,” I reply without reaction to her obvious attempt to shock me. We then sit in awkward silence for a few minutes. “I managed to get a yes from everyone for Saturday night. My mom is looking forward to seeing you again, she’s often thought of you over the years-”
“I’m really tired,” she snaps, suddenly getting to her feet with her half-eaten dinner. “I might finish this in my room. I worked that pole hard today and my thighs are chafing,” she lies, waving at me from over her shoulder. “Thanks for dinner.”
Then she’s gone. I just don’t know if she really is all gone. And if she is, can I ever get her back again?
Chapter 12
I don’t see Izzy for the next two days; she’s always gone before I wake up and doesn’t get in until late. For all I know, she doesn’t come back from wherever she is at all. By Thursday, I decide I can’t do this without a little extra help, so finish early and make my way to Grandma’s house.
Even though I vowed to never return, I drive to the little village in which I used to live, the same place where I used to meet up with Izzy over the bridge. I glance at it, noticing the rotting state of the wood as I drive past. Memories of us sitting there and chatting about everything and nothing have me smiling.I kind of wish I could go back there and do things a little differently. An impossibility, but a longing that refuses to go away, nonetheless.
When I arrive at Grandma’s house, it fills me with nostalgia, for it still looks exactly the same. I’ve been coming over to England for business over the past few years, but I’ve not returned to this place at all. I couldn’t bring myself to see it without her in it, so Grandma always met me where I’m currently living with Izzy.
“Theo?” Grandma says with genuine surprise. “Well, look at you in your work suit, looking so handsome,” she teases.