Page 1 of Reluctantly His
Without warning, I was snatched from behind and roughly pulled against a hard male body.
“Where do you think you’re going?” growled my father’s head of security, likea junkyard dog deprived of a bone.
Still reeling from my father’s demand that I now be followed around like a child, the last thing I wanted was to deal with anyone.
With my chin raised and my face averted, I wrenched my shoulder, trying to break the guard dog’s tight grasp. It didn’t work.
I swallowed past the lump in my throat and responded tightly, “Kindly unhand me, Mr. Taylor. I’d like to leave.”
Closing my eyes, I envisioned the legato notes of Saint-Saëns’ The Swan to control my breathing and remain calm. Although I used the technique in cello practice, it had become a necessary tool of survival as a daughter in the Manwarring family.
In this family, I wasn’t a beloved daughter or sister.
I was a pawn.
An asset.
No different than a pile of stock certificates to be bought and traded to the highest bidder.
An object.
And apparently, like any object of value, I now needed to be guarded.
His hand shifted to caress the sensitive skin of my inner arm, just under the lace edge of my chiffon puff sleeve. “It’s either Sergeant Taylor, Sergeant—or if I’m pulling your hair, Reid— but never Mr. Taylor.”
Shocked by the subtle yet intimate gesture and his bold comment, I raised my face to his and gasped at the intensity of his dark gaze.
This was the closest I had ever been to him, to any man really.
Wealthy daughters of billionaire families might as well be displayed behind glass.
Always seen, never touched.
Pretty dolls to be admired for their silent obedience.
Recovering, my tongue flicked out to wet my dry lips. “If you are trying to get a reaction out of me, Sergeant Taylor, you are wasting your time.”
The constant pressure on generations of Manwarring women, to know their place and never say or do anything to embarrass the family, had turned me into the perfect diamond. Something bright and shiny with no more emotions than a piece of stone.
His head pivoted to scan the empty corridor before he tightened his hold on my arm and swung us in an arc until we were secluded from view in the darkened alcove which housed a tall, bronze sculpture of a naked couple in a sensual embrace.
My heart raced as panic made me light-headed. Or was it his nearness?
Either way, I knew my father was only steps away in his office.
As I was the last remaining obedient sibling, it had been made clear to me he would not tolerate even the slightest break in propriety.
Not after what Olivia had done.
And certainly not after the scandal my brother had caused.
Reid braced his forearm over my head. “What’s the matter, princess? Are my dirty, lower-class hands too rough for your soft, blue blood skin?”
His comment brought my focus back to the warm, rough sensation of his hands on me. A shiver ran up my spine.