Page 11 of Reluctantly His
Reid didn’t even spare him a glance.
When he finally got to the end of the aisle, I thought he would finally break the horrible tension and speak.
Instead, with one powerful jump, he vaulted from the floor straight onto the stage.
Ian staggered back down while Ginnie muttered, “Damn.”
Reid’s stride hardly broke as he stormed across the stage, not stopping until he was directly in front of me.
Gripping the back of my chair with one hand, he bent down so we were eye-to-eye. There was no mistaking the fury in his intense silver eyes.
“You broke my rule, princess.”
“How did you find me?”
I stared down at her beautiful, upturned face. “Let this be a lesson to you, princess. I’ll always find you.”
I was just following orders.
That was what I was telling myself.
This was just me following orders.
Nothing different than when I was in the Corp.
It had nothing to do with the feel of her skin against my palm or the lingering scent of her vanilla perfume on my t-shirt.
And my fury at learning she had disobeyed me was professional agitation.
Yup, purely professional.
As was my driving desire to pull her over my knee, flip up her skirts, and whip her ass for her impertinent disobedience.
Yup, that was professional too.
Even though I knew deep down that I couldn’t—or at least shouldn’t—touch her.
She was my boss’ daughter.
My boss’ innocent daughter.
My charge.
My responsibility.
No. Not mine. My job. She was just a job.
A fucking babysitting job.
One that I should have let her go crying to her daddy to get me out of… but not now.
Now, the devil himself couldn’t pry me from her side.