Page 71 of Reluctantly His
“Reid told me one series of events, but Zeigler had a very different story. Could you clarify which one is true?”
“What did Reid tell you?” I asked, trying not to let the relief show in my voice.
There was no reason to hint to Luc at what really happened.
“Reid said that Zeigler got mad at you and hit you. Then he hit Zeigler repeatedly. Zeigler’s story is a little different. He said that you and he had an intimate moment, nothing too untoward for an engaged couple, and Reid, in a jealous fit of rage, attacked him. Then kidnapped you.”
What did it say about the events of last night that I honestly forgot that he had hit me?
My fingers went to my cheek, pressing down, and it was still a little sore, but nothing compared to the ache between my thighs.
“Zeigler didn’t like that I corrected him, especially not in front of you and Harrison. He informed me that I was never allowed to correct him in public, said some very crude things about what my role as his wife would be, and then he struck me.”
“He actually hit you?”
“He backhanded me across the face, hard enough that my cheek swelled, and I still have a little bruising. Nothing that concealer won’t cover now, but last night, there was no way to hide it. Reid escorted me out of the party at my request so I didn’t have to explain what happened.”
“So then Reid didn’t attack…” Luc’s voice got scary quiet.
I knew he was angry.
The cold, quiet kind of anger which meant he was planning revenge. The only other time I heard him like this was when Olivia was taken by Marksen.
He saw what Zeigler had done to me as an attack on the family.
I was still a Manwarring, and I was his sister.
A soft, soothing warmth spread in my chest.
My brother really did care about me.
“Reid defended me. I won’t lie. It was brutal, but Luc, I don’t know how far Zeigler would have gone. He was very angry, and if Reid hadn’t been there… I don’t know what would have happened. Please don’t make me marry a man like that.”
“Father is already taking care of it. He’s been on the phone all morning threatening fire and brimstone to keep it out of the media. But this won’t be the end of it. He’s already talking about arranging another marriage to help you weather the storm. Sort of a bait and switch.”
“I think I have an idea to keep me safe from any more of father’s matchmaking. But right now, I have to get ready. I have a charity event this afternoon.”
“Well then, break a leg,” Luc said with a hollow-sounding laugh.
I knew that laugh. I had heard it before. It was his business laugh. The one he had when someone said something funny, or he was trying to be charming, but behind that laugh, he was already making his next move.
I really did have a charity event to go to this afternoon. I was excited to play, but there was something far more important I needed to do there.
I needed to talk to Ginnie.
I took my time in my large marble bathtub, letting the hot water soothe away the aches and pains as it washed away Reid’s touch.
I hated that the expensive soaps I used would completely remove any sign of him from my skin. The thought of Reid marking my body in a way that couldn’t just be washed away made my core clench.
I lay back in the tub, sinking all the way down into the steaming water, closed my eyes, and relived last night. I had been so caught up in the feelings, the cravings, and the urgency, I hadn’t really appreciated what he was doing to me.
There wasn’t time to process any of it.
So I took far longer than I needed to and reveled in everything.
Even the anger as he took me this morning.
How he hated bringing me back.