Page 17 of Death Raiser
I threw on my classic necromancer all-leather outfit and stepped out of the bedroom. I left my purse on the kitchen counter and fed Maggie. She was still hiding, but food always perked her up. The kibble hit the tiny metal dish and a cooing meow trickled into the kitchen moments before Maggie padded into the room. She bumped into my leg, arching her back and rubbing her furry body into my calf, before heading to the food bowl. I leaned down and scratched her behind the ears.
“Sorry for scaring you,” I said.
A loud purr erupted from her fluffy white body before she started munching on her food.
A whisper of death magic flittered across the room and when I straightened, I came face to face with a ghost.
Bernie was Maggie’s former owner—or servant, depending on who you asked. She popped in from time to time, still fueled with the love she had for her cat. Sometimes, she even spoke to me, though those moments were less and less as her power dwindled. She’d travel to the veil soon, and I’d miss her.
Not only had Bernie tipped me off about my last boyfriend’s nasty habit of sticking his dick in other women, she’d also been a constant, positive presence in my life. The last time she’d spoken, though, she gave me a warning. “He’s seen you,” she’d said, though she couldn’t tell me his name.
“Hey, Bernie,” I said. “Good to see you again.”
She nodded and drifted down to her cat.
Maggie stopped eating and looked up at the ghost and purred louder.
“Do you know the name of the man I should be careful around?” I asked. “The man you warned me about?”
Bernie looked up from petting Maggie and shook her head.
“Do you know who left me roses?”
She shook her head again.
Dammit. Worth a shot.
Maggie rubbed her face into Bernie’s and her purr intensified. Bernie looked up at me again, a tear falling from her eye.
“Can’t speak?”
She shook her head.
“Was it harder coming back this time?”
She nodded and more tears spilled down her face.
Pain struck my chest. “I’ll take care of her, Bernie. I promise. She’ll know only love until she’s ready to meet you again.”
Bernie bobbed her head, tears flowing down her face, her body shaking. She faded away.
Maggie meowed at the empty air, calling for her friend.
I straightened and wiped the tears that had escaped my own eyes. Great. I had to go to work and now all I wanted to do was cry. I snatched my purse from the kitchen counter and headed toward the door.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Logan growled from the living room.
“I have to work.”
“There’s someone sneaking into our apartment. It’s not safe for you to go out.”
“And it’s safe for me to stay in?”
Logan snapped his mouth shut and glowered. “I’ll fucking make it safe.”
Brandon groaned.
“Logan…” I started.