Page 21 of Death Raiser
“Is everything okay?” Mom asked.
“Yes, of course.” I scrambled with how to say the next part. I didn’t want Mom to feel like she’d done something wrong, or that I didn’t want to make the payments. But I also didn’t want Gregor to use Mom to get me into his debt irrevocably. “Gregor and I have a pay-per-play kind of deal. I already agreed to the third payment, so this isn’t a big deal.” A small lie wouldn’t hurt anyone. “But I worry he might try to take advantage of our lack of communication.”
“You’re worried he'll place you in his debt?” Mom asked.
“Exactly. I will gladly pay the fees, all the fees, for your treatment, Mom. They’re within me to pay, but let's be careful and not let Gregor pull some sneaky vampire shit.”
“You got it,” Mom said. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.” I said goodbye and hung up the call. Without hesitating, I dialled Gregor right away.
“Ms. Morgan, what a pleasure to hear from you this evening. How can I help you?”
“I’m glad you asked. In the future, I would appreciate it if you would wait to provide my mom with treatment until after I’ve paid for said treatment.”
“Ah, Ms. Morgan, I can hear the concern in your voice. I regret to inform you that this was not a part of our original agreement. We said one raising per treatment. There was nothing in the phrasing about restricting or specifying the order of the payment and treatment. Nor did any wording prevent the possibility of providing new treatment before the previous one was paid.”
I scowled at my phone. I’d raise as many vampires as I had to for Mom’s continued health. But if I wasn’t careful, Gregor could perform additional, unnecessary treatments that I would end up spending the rest of my life trying to pay for. And what if he stalled, not letting me raise any of his vampires right away? What happened then? He could arguably turn me into a human servant just to ensure I kept my end of the deal. I needed tight control on this agreement so I didn’t end up indentured.
“Our agreement also allowed for renegotiation,” I said carefully. “May I humbly ask that you treat my mother only after I’ve raised a vampire for you?”
“You may ask.” He paused dramatically.
I cursed silently, I’d already asked nicely, said please and everything. I’d beg if I had to, but I knew enough about Gregor to know it wouldn’t matter.
“If I ask again and say pretty please with a cherry on top, will you please withhold treatment until after I pay?” I asked anyway, fully knowing the answer.
Gregor chuckled. “Absolutely not. Our agreement might allow renegotiation, but I’m under no obligation to accept any new terms.”
I sighed. At least the master vampire was predictable. “Separate topic. Have you been leaving me roses?”
Gregor laughed. “Should I have?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Maybe you have a secret admirer.”
Yeah, I’d rather not have one that snuck into my room at night while I slept, but I didn’t share that detail with Gregor. If I reached out to anyone, it would be Kang. My brother already knew, and he was probably still fortifying our apartment and making plans to imprison me in my room while he slaughtered anyone who came close to our home.
Fuck. I’d have to tell Kang. I’d promised, after all.
“Have you travelled to the veil lately?” Gregor asked, bumping me from my thoughts. “I thought I felt a tug.”
Subtle. Gregor casually reminded me I needed him as an anchor—just in case I had any thoughts of calling off our deal entirely. “Yeah. That was unexpected.”
“Yet, you’ve returned and you didn’t require help. At least not from me.”
“Leviathan turned up.” The Lord of the Veil was the reason I got pulled from the living realm in the first place, but I preferred to keep that little morsel of information to myself. It seemed like something Gregor would try to use against me.
“And he didn’t kill you instantly and drain your blood?” Gregor sounded more amused than surprised.
“He’s not a vampire, Gregor.” At least, I didn’t think he was.
Come to think of it, he did have fangs.