Page 33 of Death Raiser
“They say it will strip a fae of its glamour,” I added, trying to keep my voice normal, but it came out higher pitched.
Kang barked out a laugh and stalked over to me. I froze like a deer caught in the headlights, watching his predatory advance. He stopped mere inches from me and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “I’m not fae, Lark.”
My heart raced and warmth flooded my body at his proximity. Memories of dancing with him and how his body moved with mine raced through my mind.
He straightened and inhaled deeply. A smile tugged at his lips. “You still smell intoxicating.”
Because I was an incredibly capable, strong-willed, grown-ass adult, I gaped at him and said nothing as he walked back to the fairy ring.
Jacobs snorted and walked over to join his partner. Kang turned so he faced me, his gaze sparkling with mischief. Keeping his attention on my face the entire time, he stepped backward until he stood in the center of the circle.
Nothing happened.
Guess that ruled out one possibility.
I clutched the chicken and turned to the deceased woman.
“Do we have to stay here?” Jacobs’ stage-whispered behind me.
“She said better safe than sorry,” Kang replied.
Ugh. Detectives.
Chapter Ten
I sighed and released the incoherent spirit to the veil. Luckily, this one hadn’t received Levi’s memo to abduct me, and I remained at the crime scene.
“Not good news, huh?” Jacobs leaned in and asked.
“Same as the last one,” I said. “Mumbles and screams. No tongue. Dirty clothing. The killer must’ve anticipated the use of a necromancer. The only clear consistent thing they did was try to run away from me.”
Jacobs cursed.
I turned to the ever-brooding Kang. “What are the chances this is just a coincidence and not connected to the other case?”
Kang just looked at me.
Of course they were connected. There might’ve been doubt before, but once this victim opened her mouth and wailed the same way, the margin of coincidence disappeared.
“How did you know?” I asked.
“Know what?” Kang’s brows pinched down.
“How did you know this death was related to the last one? Even if the pathologist told you she died from a gunshot wound, you don’t have any bullets to match, and these can’t be the only dead women dumped in a forest during your career.” Well, wasn’t that a sad observation? I shuddered and mentally brushed away the unease.
Kang and Jacobs exchanged a look.
I leaned in and whispered, “Did you use your glamy sense of smell?”
Kang snorted. “My sense of smell is heightened, but it’s not that powerful. Not like other glamies.”
“Oh.” Drat. I didn’t know what to do with that information and I still didn’t know how they anticipated these cases connecting. It had to be more than a hunch. More than a gut feeling—which was the lame excuse they’d given me the last time they linked two cases together before the evidence confirmed it.
One of the techs called out to Kang, and he stalked off to make someone else’s life miserable with his glower.
“You're never going to guess, you know,” Jacobs whispered.