Page 58 of Death Raiser
He looked away again, apparently transfixed by a passing boat, but I finally figured out one of his tells.
“And you brought me here.” I swallowed. He’d brought me to his happy place.
He finally looked back at me, a war of emotions flickering across his expression. He reached out and held my free hand. “Yes. I brought you because I want you here. I wasn’t joking when I said this wouldn’t be a casual thing between us. I’m all in, Lark.”
“And what if this doesn’t work out?” I waved my hand between the two of us. “What if we’re not compatible?”
“Like sexually, or…”
“All of it.”
“We’re compatible,” he said firmly.
“You’re awfully confident for someone who spends half his time in my presence glaring at me.”
He nodded, a slow smile spreading across his face. “I’ve already made peace with being stuck with you one way or another.”
I snorted. The sound was the exact opposite of ladylike. “You’re so sweet.”
“You don’t like me because I’m sweet.”
That actually wasn’t true. Connor was sweet. He was considerate. He’d saved my life six years ago. He’d searched for my father. He looked out for me at crime scenes.
Kang did a lot of things to help me and those around him, but he did it in such a subtle way to avoid any kind of fanfare. I definitely liked him because of his sweet side. But I adored those rough edges of his as well. “And why do I like you then?”
His smile widened.
“No, tell me. I’ve been wondering the same thing myself.”
He leaned in. “You like me because I present a mystery to that brain of yours and your curiosity can’t help itself.”
“I’ll find out all your secrets, Connor,” I pointed out. “What happens then? What happens when you have no mysteries left to keep me hooked?”
“You’ll be so enamored with my wit and charm, that won’t be an issue.”
I laughed softly and shook my head. I was already enamored, and he knew it. “Geez, I’d love to have some of your confidence.”
“Only with you.” His expression grew serious, his mouth pressed together, his eyebrows furrowed. “I want you in my life. I want you to be a part of my fucking happy place.” He paused. “Is that okay?”
It was more than okay. It was perfect. My heart melted some more, and I squeezed his hand back. “Yeah. That’s okay.”
It was more than okay.
It was everything.
* * *
We never made it to the restaurant. Instead, we’d grabbed food from a street vender and found a bench to watch the setting sun. Neither of us were the wine-and-dine type, though part of me wanted to drag Connor to a club just so we could dance together again.
The dogs flopped down at our feet and panted happily. The full moon was already visible, becoming more pronounced as the sun inched below the horizon.
“How are you feeling?” I finally asked after our conversation faded into another relaxed silence.
Connor glanced over, his pizza halfway in his mouth. Lowering his food so it hovered over the flimsy paper plate, he answered, “I’m fine, but why do I feel like that was a loaded question?”
I peered up at the night sky before asking another question. “Not feeling hostile?”
His frown deepened. “No…”