Page 77 of Death Raiser
“You first.”
“He had me raise an angry spirit to chase cheating women. The spirit was anchored to his coffee shop so when the angry spouses sat and watched, it would hitchhike a ride home with them, possess the men and kill the women.”
“That was you?” I said. “You raised Candace MacKinnon?”
He nodded and looked away. “I had no idea that was the case you were working on when we met.”
“There’s something I don’t get.” Actually, there were several things, but I had to pick one and focus. “If you’re also a necromancer, why did you bring me into this debacle? You could’ve come here on your own.”
“I’m not like you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Levi interjected. “I think what he’s trying to say is he’s not as powerful as you.”
“He was strong enough to empower a rage-filled spirit. He unleashed a murderous ghost. That’s awfully powerful.”
“Powerful, yes, but he didn't have the strength to raise that witch and break through her magical possession’s protective barrier. Only a truly strong necromancer can touch the Book of the Dead and not be consumed with its power.”
Hudson glared at Levi.
My mind drifted back to the angry spirit case. “Do you know why Steve made you do it? Why he wanted the evil spirit in the first place?”
“I told you why. The spirit would go after cheating spouses.”
“Yes, I understand that part.” I’d been a part of the investigation, after all. We’d made the connection between the victims by catching them on video surveillance from the club. “But…why? Why would Steve do this? Did he get cheated on in the past?”
“Ah…” Hudson looked away again. From this angle, the family resemblance was more noticeable. I should’ve picked up on it sooner. Steve hadn’t just appeared familiar because he’d served me coffee once before. It was because he looked like his brother.
Maybe I wouldn’t die in the library in a horror movie after all. Maybe I really would be the one who walked into the killer’s shop and ignored all the signs.
I never claimed to be the smart one in the family.
“The why is easy enough to explain,” Hudson finally answered. “Steve enjoys the hunt. He would follow the possessed men and relish the aftermath of what he caused. As you know, the men died after the spirit left them, and he’d watch that, too, from a safe distance, of course.”
“He moved to hunting women himself.”
“No, he didn't. He’s been doing that for years. He got me to raise an angry spirit to help tide him over until the next woman.” He glanced at my injured arm, his eyebrows furrowing. “Is that what he tried to do to you?”
I blanched and ignored Hudson’s question. At least now I understood why Hudson wanted to get away. What was the world coming to? Suddenly, Hudson didn’t look like the bad guy in my life story. Or at least not the boss-level villain.
Still a diabolical asshole. Still used me. Still culpable in the murder of who-knew-how-many women. But he wasn’t the biggest douche canoe in the lake.That honour went to Steve.
“Did you ever consider saying no?” I asked. “You’re a necromancer, he isn’t.”
Hudson laughed, a low bitter kind of chuckle before he shook his head. “Steve was never good at taking no for an answer.”
“Funny. From the way he’s behaving, I would’ve figured he’d heard it often enough.”
“He has, plenty of times. He doesn’t like it, and he doesn’t listen to it.” He nodded at the raw scar on my arm from the bullet. “Something I can see you now know firsthand. When I first said no, he killed our cat and left it on my bed. The second time, I made sure to move away and ditch any traceable information. He found me, and my dog paid the price. I reported him to the cops or at least tried to. My girlfriend at the time was the next to go missing. He sent me pieces of her and claimed he killed her in such a way that if I ever tried to say no again, I’d go down for her murder.”
Hudson pressed his lips together and looked away. This fucker had dated me knowing full well his brother might snatch me at any minute to…
“Wait…Is that why Steve picked me? Because of you? Because you took me on dates to wine and dine me and use me to raise Rose and take you on a magical fucking journey to the veil? Did he somehow spot us together and that’s why he wanted you to bring me to the café?”
His grimace told me everything.