Page 79 of Death Raiser
Hudson shifted in his seat and looked away.
“So you’re saying I shouldn’t go out and try to pet one?”
Levi’s head snapped back as if I had physically slapped him. I hadn’t, but I’d managed to shock him. “Why would you do that?”
“Because they look like animals and Lark lacks any sense of self-preservation when it comes to fluffy things…” Hudson said.
My god. He’d actually listened to my rambling on our dates. I’m not sure how I felt about that.
No, wait.
My feelings were clear.
Still fucking hated him.
Levi’s lips lifted in the corner and leaned toward me. “So you like to pet dangerous things?”
If I’d still been chewing my dinner, I would’ve choked. “Are you honestly still trying to seduce me? You can give up the act.” I waved at Hudson. “Cat’s out of the bag. I know you’re up to something and you need me for some reason.”
“Oh, Lark.” Levi took another sip of wine. “Why can’t I mix business with pleasure? I wasn’t lying when I said I found you alluring. Nor was I misleading you when I said there was a definite lack of options for dates in the veil.” He nodded at Hudson. “This one is pretty to look at, but he’s not my type and he’s adamant he doesn’t swing that way.”
I bit the inside of my cheek.
“I’m not even sure I know what that means, but I’m not going to waste time pursuing someone who isn’t interested.” He leaned in closer and set down his wine. “You on the other hand…when my magic touches you, your whole body sings.”
I pressed my thighs together and tried to ignore the instant heat rising from the memory of his death magic stroking mine.
“Just because my magic likes yours doesn’t mean I like you,” I said.
Levi sat back in his chair. “Of course not. But it’s a start.”
“I think I’m going to head back to my room now.” Hudson pushed away from the table. He glanced over at me before he turned to leave. Our gazes locked and he tried to convey some sort of message to me. Or the dried food disagreed with his stomach. Hard to tell, and if it was some sort of message, I didn’t catch its meaning.
“For someone who has a psychopathic murdering brother, he’s rather uptight,” Levi mused after Hudson left the room.
“Maybe that’s why he is the way he is, but I wouldn’t have used uptight to describe him.”
“What would you use?”
I played with the edges of the tablecloth while I thought about Hudson. He’d been charming and gave me the impression of normalcy while remaining mysterious enough to pique my curiosity.
“I’m not sure,” I admitted. “He had me fooled right up until he sliced my hand open.”
Something dark flashed across Levi’s gaze, and he dropped his focus to my hand where I still bore the mark from the wound. It had healed cleanly, but I’d likely have a thin scar as a memento for the rest of my life.
“I’m sorry he hurt you,” Levi said.
I waved my hand in the air. “On the grand scheme of things, a papercut on my hand is the least of my complaints with Hudson.”
Levi’s lips twitched. “And me? What complaints do you have of me?”
I set my wine glass down and leaned in. “You tried to use my attraction to your magic against me. That’s very close to coercion and I don’t like it.”
“I couldn’t help it with the healing.” He held up his hand before I could comment. “Quite literally, I couldn’t have prevented you from feeling the way you did and healed you at the same time. Healing that wound was more important than your feelings, and I will not apologize for saving you from bleeding out on my doorstep.”