Page 56 of Marked
“Mouse?” Ace asked.
I waved him off. I was probably just processing a major adrenaline surge. I stepped away from the tree and a sharp pain stabbed my body. I cried out and clutched my arm.
Orion and Ace rushed to my side. Ace gripped my uninjured arm, holding me upright, while Orion leaned forward to examine the area radiating pain. I had instinctively covered my wound from the arrow.
Orion smacked my hand. “Let go.”
When I dropped my hand, more pain slammed through my body. Nausea twisted my stomach in a knot and my vision wavered.
Orion pulled the split material of my top to the side to examine the wound. His brow furrowed. “What happened?”
“Nothing,” I snapped, my mouth shut on the pain.
“The bleeding wound on your arm suggests otherwise,” Orion said.
“An arrow grazed her earlier,” Ace said.
Orion stilled. His breathing shallowed as his gaze flicked between my wound and my face. “No…”
“I’ve been grazed before. It’s no big deal,” I said, my words slurring together.
Well, that can’t be good.
Orion frowned harder and pressed the skin around the wound. “This isn’t like your previous wounds. You’re in a lot of pain and it’s not healing quickly.” Orion straightened and shared a look with Ace.
“I’m sure it will be fine,” I said.
“Okay. Why don’t you try to take another step on your own?” Orion suggested.
Ace let go of my arm.
I staggered forward. Blinding pain shot through my body, my vision swam, and I careened to the side.
Ace grabbed me again before I crashed to the ground and lifted me onto my feet. “I’ve heard of falling for someone, but this is a little much.”
“I wasn’t going to fall…jackass…,” I muttered, my head still spinning. “Just fail…at standing.”
“You’re Artemis,” he growled. “Guardian of the forest. You may fall down, but you’ll never fail.” His words sent warmth rushing through my body and gave me the strength to get my feet under my body to straighten.
My gaze snagged on his. Fury flashed across his expression. He looked torn between wanting to drop me or kiss me.
“Something’s wrong,” I whispered. “I feel so…weak.”
“You’re the strongest person I know, Mouse. You’ll be okay.”
I shook my head and wavered on my feet, the world turning sideways. I tried to step away from Ace and fight through the fog consuming my mind.
He pulled me into the heat of his body before I had the chance to topple over again. “You’re strong enough to let me help.”
I sagged into his chest.
“She can’t walk home like this,” he said over my head. When he spoke his whole chest rumbled, and vibrated my body while his breath ruffled my hair.
“We could carry her,” Orion suggested. “If we cut through the forest and head straight to Perga instead of backtracking your trail, we’re maybe an hour or two away.”
“It won’t be comfortable for her, and we won’t travel fast,” Ace said. “It will take double that time.”