Page 4 of Beautiful Chaos
Before pulling out of the driveway, I dial Cat’s parents’ number on my phone, transferring the call to Bluetooth so I can talk while driving. Peggy, Cat’s mom, answers on the third ring.
“Hello? Hunter? Is everything okay?”
Peggy always answers the same way, like she’s expecting something to be wrong when I call.
“Everything’s fine. I was just calling to make sure the house is ready for our visit this evening.”
“Oh.” Her sigh of relief comes over the car speakers. “Yes, honey, everything’s ready.”
“Great. We should be there by seven.”
“Max, Emily, and Skylar will be here.”
“They’re driving down?”
“Yes,” Peggy answers. “They won’t be able to make it for Christmas this year, so they’re making a trip down now.”
Max is Cat’s older brother and Emily is his wife. Skylar is their daughter. Ginger is Cat and Max’s younger sister. She’s married to Mason, and they have five-year-old twin boys, Aiden and Joshua. They live in a neighboring county, while Max lives in Montana with his family.
“Cat will be happy to see everyone. It’s been too long since we’ve all been together.”
“It’ll be nice to have everyone in the same house. We haven’t had that since last Christmas.”
After switching on my blinker, I turn right onto the road that leads to Slate, the exclusive nightclub I own with my partner. We talk for a bit longer before we end our call.
After parking beside Silas’s truck, I get out of my SUV and engage the locks with my key fob. Unlocking the back door to the building, I step inside, making sure to relock it. The keys jingle when I stuff them into my pocket as I walk down the hall to the private stairs that lead to the second floor. Seeing Silas’s open door, I decide to check with him before going to my office.
Just inside the threshold, I stop. Silas, my business partner and best friend, has Katie, who looks after the girls at Slate, bent over his desk. The woman’s skirt is hiked up around her waist and the black string of her thong is pulled to the side, digging into her ass cheek. Silas’s pants sag beneath his ass as he pounds into her pussy, one hand holding her still while the other grasps her hair, pulling her head up so far that her back is bowed. With each powerful thrust, the massive desk they are against inches forward.
“God, yes, Silas. Right there,” Katie moans, digging her nails into the hardwood.
Rather than quietly backing out of the room to give them privacy, I lean against the door frame. Not for the pleasure of the show, but because I’m here already. There is no point in leaving only to return when they’re finished. Seeing Silas fuck a woman isn’t something I haven’t seen before, just as he has seen me take my fair share back in the day. Hell, we’ve even shared a few.
With grunts and squeals of pleasure filling the room, I pull out my phone to scroll through some emails.
A few minutes later, Katie lets out a loud cry, followed closely by Silas’s deep growl. I repocket my phone and look up just as Silas tucks his cock back into his slacks and Katie shimmies her skirt back down. She glances at me briefly, her cheeks flushed, but not with embarrassment. Katie doesn’t get embarrassed and she has not one shy bone in her body.
“Enjoy the show?” Silas asks. His question is for me, but his gaze is firmly fixed on Katie as she stands in front of a mirror, fixing her makeup and hair.
Once upon a time, I would have answered yes. It doesn’t matter who you are. Watching a man rail a woman from behind would make the holiest of men pop a stiffy. Since I met Cat, the only thing I need is her. Now it’s only mildly entertaining to watch other people have sex.
Standing against the doorframe, I lift my shoulder. “Not particularly.”
Silas chuckles as he fixes the mess they made on his desk. “You used to be more fun,” he remarks dryly.
That may be true for him, but I’m happy with my life and have plenty of fun with Cat.
“You get the email I sent over last night about the girls coming in for an interview?”
“Yes. Katie marked off a couple of them.”
Katie turns away from the mirror and saunters over to Silas’s desk, leaning a hip against the side. “I didn’t like the look of a couple. They’re shooting up.”
We have a rule at Slate. We hire only clean employees. Physicals and drug tests are part of the hiring process. Drug tests are continued monthly, and if they’re found to be using after being hired, they’ll be terminated without notice. We don’t accept second chances or excuses.
But if you stay clean, Slate takes damn good care of you.
Two stage girls came in high off their asses last week, and since drugs turn people into fucking morons, they turned on each other when they both wanted the same man’s attention. Our girls aren’t required to sleep with customers, but Slate has rooms in the back in case they want to earn extra money. We’d rather have them fuck customers here where we can make sure things stay consensual, instead of them taking men home or a back alley and run the risk of things turning sour.