Page 110 of When Sky Breaks
“He really has. I promise I’m not just diving in or acting only out of emotion. He keeps surprising me, and I really love him, Phoebs.”
“I can hear it in your voice, stuffy nose and all. It’s okay. I’m just here to make sure he takes care of that soft heart of yours and that he and you recognize your worth.”
I smile, flicking on my turn signal. “Thank you. I needed to hear that.”
There’s so much more I could tell Phoebe, but some moments I want to keep all to myself.
“Tell him I’m sorry to hear about his dad. I didn’t think he was close to either of his parents.”
“He’s not, but he’s trying to work on things with his mom.”
A new building that I didn’t notice before comes into view, and I slow down.
There’s a new Starbucks? I’m stopping. A peppermint mocha is calling my name.
“Have you talked with her yet?”
“Not about that, no, but I have spoken to her.” Pausing, I fidget in the long drive-thru line, anxiety rippling across my chest.
“You think maybe you should? She might have information on your mom.”
“What if I don’t really care about what happened to Dannie? I didn’t come back home to dig up old ghosts.”
She’s going to see through my bald-faced lie. The moment I knew August’s mom was back in town, gears turned and my stomach churned. I knew there’d be the what-if thoughts and I hate it. I wish I could forget her.
“That’s a lie and you know it. You may have fixed things with August, but there’s still a part of you that will always wonder about her. Maybe this is a chance for you to find out. Get some closure.”
“I don’t know. Like how do I—do I just ask him to let me talk with her?” I move up a few cars in line.
“Sky, that man, despite his asshole move in high school, always wanted to make you happy. I doubt that stops—like ever—for him. If he knows you’re wanting to learn more about your mom and he has a way to do it? He won’t bat an eye.”
“Ugh. You’re right. Hang on a sec.”
I give the girl my order and pull up to pay.
“I’m jealous. I could use a coffee right now.”
I swipe my card on the keypad and put it back in my wallet. “Get Graham Cracker to make a run for you. If you want to talk about a man who’s devoted…”
She sighs, and it’s happy. She deserves it; I deserve it. Everyone deserves a chance at happiness.
Will mine come once everything is out in the open? Why my mom left? How she could justify leaving her kids? Where did she go, and why hasn’t she come back? Can I move forward with August without that part of my past closed up tight? If I find her…will I be able to face her? Would she even want to see me after fourteen years?
Determined to get answers, I take a deep breath and set the warm cardboard cup of joy in my drink holder to cool down.
“I’ll talk to August about my mom. I promise.”
“Good. And I know he’ll be there to support you, I’m sure, but so will I. Whatever you need, babe, I got you.”
* * *
After tucking Foster in bed and wishing Trek goodnight once dinner was over, I planned on reading and then passing out.
Sex with August was so good we couldn’t resist doing it a few more times before I left, and my muscles are sore in the best way. You’d think after five years of celibacy, I’d be rusty, but turns out, I’m as horny as I thought. I just needed August’s hands and mouth and his very nice cock to remind me.
But now I sit on the edge of my bed, the lusty fog from earlier fading as I lock on the files I have yet to look at. The chance for answers is right at my fingertips, but I can’t make myself move.
I’m the happiest I’ve ever been—there’s a literal glow to my aura, according to Trek, and I’m afraid what’s in that folder will ruin it all.