Page 122 of When Sky Breaks
“What are you thinking about?” August asks, his warm lips pressed against my temple.
I pull the blanket tighter to cover any exposed skin to the wind and angle my head to stare at the sky. “How happy I am. You?”
He sighs. “The night we laid under these stars and watched the meteor shower. I can’t believe I dry-humped you like a fucking weirdo.”
A bubble of laughter escapes my throat, and his chest rumbles behind me. “I mean, it felt good, really good. We had a lot of firsts, didn’t we?”
“You sure sucked dick like it wasn’t your first time. I remember that moment very well.”
I gasp and nudge him hard in the ribs, making him grunt before really thinking about it. “Sorry. I guess that’s a compliment. You’re welcome. Can’t wait to do it again and really make your eyeballs roll into the back of your head.”
“Shortcake, shhh, you’re making me stiff just thinking about it.”
I grin and wiggle a bit, loving how he groans behind me. “Couldn’t resist.”
His arms hold me tightly as we settle into mundane conversation. Everything’s been so heavy; it’s nice to be normal and boring and talk about silly stuff like books and small-town gossip. August said there’s a bid to bulldoze a town landmark to build a restaurant, but Ginger leads the charge to keep it preserved. Even Colonel backs her up.
“Hey, speaking of landmarks, whatever happened to our little shack?” I ask.
“How did you equate landmark with the shack?”
I crane my head to look him in the eye. “Oh, come on. That was our spot. It was one place I felt safe. It was cozy, our own little private world.”
He brushes aside the hair falling in my face as his brows dip. “I had to tear it down. It was caving in too badly, and I was afraid some kids in the neighborhood would find it and get hurt in it.”
It’s ridiculous, but the idea of the shack no longer there brings a swell of emotion to my chest. It was a landmark to us. A place that was all ours. Safe from the cruel world.
“Hey, don’t cry.” He presses a soft kiss to a trailing tear. “Hang on a second. I have something that might cheer you up about it.”
“I thought you said you had no more tricks up your sleeve?” I sniff.
He lifts me from his lap and sets me down in the chair before turning and pausing at the door, his grin bright in the moonlight.
“I may have fibbed, but it’s only because I didn’t know I’d be giving it to you so soon.”
Winter and I wait as he closes the door, my fingers petting her wet nose, my attention on the quiet night. An owl hoots, perking Winter’s ears, and I pull the blanket tighter across my chest to keep out the breeze lifting my hair from my shoulders.
The door slides open and August steps out in a hoodie since the temps have steadily dropped over the hour we’ve been out here. He drags the other Adirondack chair over and plops down, his hands shoved in the hoodie’s front pocket.
He flicks back the stubborn piece of hair that likes to flop over his forehead before clearing his throat. “I had this made after I tore the shack down. Not sure why except that I just couldn’t let go of us. I didn’t know if I’d ever see you again, let alone be sitting here holding you or kissing you. But fate is funny like that. Maybe we were supposed to go through all this shit to make us grow and realize what’s important.”
The anticipation kills me, but I refuse to interrupt him. Not when he’s exposing his heart.
He pulls out his hand, and in the center of his palm lies a ring.
Butterflies swarm in my stomach as I lift it.
“It’s made from a piece of wood I took from the shack. A guy I know makes jewelry, and I asked if he’d be able to make something for me. It’s not the engagement ring I’ll eventually get you, but more of a promise. A promise to be someone you can always feel safe with.”
Emotion clogging my throat, I rub the pad of my finger along the smooth wood, holding it up so I can see the woodgrain better in the porch light.
“August, it’s beautiful.” I throw my arms up over his shoulders, and he pulls me to his chest, burying his head in my neck. “This is so special. I don’t even know what else to say. I’m—” I lean away to meet his soft gaze. “I love you. So freaking much.”
He smiles. It’s stunning. It’s uninhibited, free, and so, so warm. To be so lucky to be his forever?
“What does this mean now?” he asks. “Do I get like upgraded to an emergency contact in your phone or?—”
My loud laugh startles Winter. “Sorry, girl.” I quiet her with a pet. “Actually, you’re in luck. I changed it to Best Boyfriend Ever shortly after you spent those few days taking care of Foster.”