Page 6 of Guided By the Giant
“What is it?” she asked numbly. “What…what do you need to show me?”
“This.” He pointed to his monitor and hit play.
At once, a video began and Molly’s heart sank.
It was her—lying in the bathtub completely naked. The soapy water in the tub was shallow, so it was clear to see what she was doing—masturbating.
Molly watched numbly as she used the long purple vibrator on herself, sliding is slowly in and out of her pussy and moaning breathlessly while she pinched one of her nipples with the other hand.
“Oh…ohhh!” Her soft moans filled the room and Molly felt herself squirming helplessly with embarrassment. The scene was enough to make her wish she could open a portal in the floor and fall straight through into space!
But as horrible as it was, it was also familiar. Molly had been in this situation before and she knew what was coming. There was no use in fighting it either—her career here was over.
Without a word, she turned on her heel and walked out of Commander Torus’s office. Her hands were shaking as she started cleaning out her desk. She kept her head down, avoiding eye contact with anyone but inside her head, a little voice was shouting?—
They saw you! They all saw you touching yourself! You’re disgusting and everyone knows it! That’s why they were looking at you that way. That’s why?—
“Ms. Byrne—what are you doing?” The deep rumbling voice startled her so badly Molly dropped the picture of her parents on the floor, shattering the glass frame.
“I’m clearing out my desk,” she said, not meeting her boss’s eyes as she knelt to clean up the mess. She barely noticed when a piece of glass pierced her palm—she was so numb it didn’t even hurt. “I’m fired, right?”
“I never said that! I never said anything,” he protested, sounding more upset than she’d ever heard him.
Molly looked up uncertainly. His normally stern and emotionless face was twisted into an expression she didn’t recognize. Was he angry with her? Disgusted? Appalled? A sudden, terrible thought occurred to her.
Maybe he thinks I sent the video myself! Maybe he thinks I’m coming on to him, the way Karen Geners always is!
“Look,” she began. “I didn’t?—”
“Come with me.” Suddenly his long fingers were wrapped around her wrist and he was pulling her firmly towards the door.
“Please!” Molly began, but then she stopped—please what? What could she possibly say to make this horrible situation any better? Sadly, she knew from past experience that nothing helped. No amount of explanations or apologies could wipe out the ugly stain on her record.
Feeling sick and resigned, she followed her boss without complaint as he pulled her out of their department and down the long metal corridor outside. She didn’t know where he was taking her and she didn’t care.
It didn’t really matter because her life aboard the Kindred Mother Ship was now officially over.
Molly didn’t bother to ask where they were going, but she thought she had a good idea. Probably Commander Torus was taking her to see Commander Sylvan—the head of the Kindred High Council. She’d had an interview with him before coming to work aboard the Mother Ship.
Probably her boss wanted to let his boss know that the pornographic video, which had doubtless been distributed to every single computer and monitor aboard the Mother Ship, wasn’t his fault. Together they would tell her how unacceptable this was and how it didn’t look good for the Kindred and so she would need to pack up and leave immediately.
The thing was, Molly didn’t know where she could go or what she could do now. It seemed like her ex could find her no matter how far she went—even if she moved to some remote Alaskan village or rural Japan to teach English, he would find a way to send that damn video to her boss and then she’d be out of a job again.
I might as well give up on having any kind of nice job with benefits, Molly thought dully. I should just find a job where they won’t care if they see the video. But what kind of job could she find like that? Maybe she could be a stripper. Yeah, right—as if anyone wanted to see her fat, freckled ass on a strip club stage!
Stop thinking that way—stop putting yourself down! You sound just like Zach!
But try as she might, she couldn’t capture the negative thoughts and replace them with a positive one. There were no positive thoughts left in her head and nowhere left for her to go.
Maybe I should just kill myself.
It was a dark thought that had surfaced before, many times during her life with Zach, but she hadn’t had it lately. Now it came back full force. What was the point of living when this just kept happening over and over and over again? What?—?
“In here,” Commander Torus rumbled.