Page 48 of Perfectly Yours
“Then don’t fucking talk about Savin like that.” At this moment, Jace doesn’t remind me of an Alpha. I get the feeling that he exudes power until he’s caught demeaning his own or lying. I know nothing about him but I have decided that I don’t like him. “Excuse me, I have to make sure that Savin stays hydrated.” There’s no need to interrupt but from what Macon said, Savin will run himself into the ground.
Just as he moves to station four, I intercept him and drag him back to his seat, not listening to Ash’s protest that they’re on a schedule. “Hey baby,” I whisper so that only he can hear. “Water and cookies.” Savin lets out a little sigh as he stuffs a cookie into his mouth, lids falling shut as he rests against the chair. “You know, it’s not the work itself that bothers me. It’s the cameras and the lighting and the rigid poses. It might be only fifteen minutes of it but it’s a strain nonetheless.”
“Do we need to go home?”
“No, I’m just explaining. Give me another minute and then I’ll be okay.”
My head tilts as I watch Savin, truly watch him. His jaw pulls tight and his fist clenches at his side as he swallows the last of his cookie. Macon said not to stare but it’s so fucking hard. Ash is yelling for Savin to hurry up and I ignore him again, handing Savin the bottle of water. He downs it before muttering a thank you and marching to the next station.
The second station takes much longer, Ash never happy with Savin’s poses or the way Ash positions him. It’s never quite right but I can see my Omega fading with every click of the camera. At one point, he stumbles forward and then corrects himself, mumbling a sorry to which Ash lashes out. I hate it. I hate all of it. And I’m just supposed to stand here?
As his PA, maybe I would understand and allow Ash to berate Savin but as Savin’s Beta? I can’t watch this. Even worse, he’s the father of my unborn children. I grit my teeth together, deciding to step in. Macon said I could, that at my discretion I would need to make a choice to protect Savin’s health.
“Excuse me.” I step up beside Savin, glaring at Ash. “Do you need more pictures or is this done?”
“You have no right-”
He points in my face and I do my best not to snap his finger off with my teeth. “I have every right as his PA to keep you from badgering him. You position him and then don’t like it. Or are you trying to get more material than he’s been hired for?” I’m bullshitting at this point but it works by the embarrassed look on Ash’s face. “Great, so you have what you need and Savin is done here. Right?”
Without looking back, I delicately guide Savin to the seat behind station three, grab our things, and march toward the door. In reality, we move very slowly as I try to keep from pulling Savin along. His breaths are shallow, his face a few shades lighter than usual but that smile is still on his face as he mouths ‘thank you’. I sit him on the bench by the entrance before pulling my phone out to text Macon.
Alpha, how do we call a driver?
This isn’t something we spoke about and Savin has his head bowed, hands fisted on his thighs. I didn’t even think to ask him but I’ve already messaged Macon.
Is everything okay?
No. Savin… we just need to get home.
I’m hoping that Savin doesn’t pass out because I might lose my shit. Most likely by stomping back over to those stations and letting Ash have a piece of my mind.
I’m down the street. Give me a few minutes, sweetheart.
I’m about to respond when my phone lights up with his call. “Yes, Alpha?” My eyes scan the general vicinity but no one is paying us any mind. Well, Jace is standing a few feet from the buffet table, his attention trained on the two of us. Instinctively I step to the right, blocking his view of Savin.
“How’s he doing?”
“Not great.” I place a hand on Savin’s shoulder, squeezing a little to remind him that I’m there with him, He leans his head on my hip, taking large gulps of air beside me. “When are you going to be here? I can call—” I cut myself off, knowing that Macon will want to pick us up. If he hadn’t, he would have sent a car.
“Five minutes. Maybe less. Walk Savin outside for me, alright? How are you doing?”
“Could be better. They really don’t see him other than when he’s in front of the camera. We’re sitting over here and not one person has come to check on us. Not even one of the other Omegas I first met.” It hurts so much. I thought this part of the business would pride each and every individual but they pick and choose when to see them and I hate it. “Savin, Macon’s on his way. He said to wait outside.”
Savin shoots me a sloppy grin and then groans, before slowly sitting back and then pushing to his feet. He uses me as a crutch, stringing an arm around my shoulder as I help him outside. “Hey Alpha,” he mutters when I hold the phone out between us.
“Hey, baby. I’m right around the corner.”
Screeching wheels sound through the earpiece and as we step outside, Macon’s car is barrelling through the parking lot to get to us. The Alpha hops out to help Savin in the back before turning to press his forehead to mine.
“I’m not sure whatever we would do without you, sweetheart. What did you say to get Ash to let you go?”
“Said he was taking too many pictures.”
Macon roars with laughter as he gestures for me to sit inside with Savin. I snuggle up against the Omega, Savin leaning down for a sweet kiss before sliding down to place his head in my lap. Unfortunately, that’s when I hear that camera shutter but I do well not to look around as Macon peels out of the parking lot.
“You heard that, right?” I ask, uncertainty in my voice. I slip my fingers into Savin’s hair, undoing his bun, needing something to occupy my thoughts. “Macon, they took pictures.”