Page 31 of Claim Her
I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. Gripping my fingers together, I nod.
Justin’s wide eyes stare unblinkingly, Jameson’s eyebrows furrow, and Jasper’s mouth hangs agape.
Justin clears his throat, eyes darting to the nurses, doctors, and patients. “Can you take a quick break, Zara? Let’s head to the coffee shop.”
Hearing him speak is always jarring to me. “Yes. My shift’s about to end. I’ll just go change. I’ll see you there. It’s by the main entrance.”
I rush away from them and sprint to the nurses’ room. Locking the door, I lean against it and slide to the floor, running my hands across my face.
What’s going on? My mind is going a thousand miles per minute, and my heart is trying to keep up. There are still a few more hours before the surgery’s finished, and we won’t know how Alec is until then.
Trying to force myself to keep it together, I head to my locker and pull out clean clothes. A quick look in the mirror shows someone who’s clearly not okay—swollen eyes, red nose, puffy face.
The entire walk to the coffee shop, I think about what to say to them. I don’t know if they’ve gotten over their initial shock, but I hope so. I can’t bear to have them look at me like I betrayed them because I kind of did when I hurt Alec.
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mixed with an antiseptic scent greets me when I slip inside the glass door. I scan the room, and my eyes quickly find them in one corner, each of them busy with their own thoughts.
A knot forms in my belly as I approach them and slide into the empty seat beside Jameson, a cup of steaming coffee in front of me, busying myself with staring at the thin plume of smoke rising.
Jasper reaches from across the table and covers my hand with his. “You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to.”
How can these guys be related to that monster? “It’s fine. We both had no idea. I just saw my old hair clip on his desk a few weeks ago.”
These brothers must share everything because understanding dawns on their faces, and they nod.
“You got out okay, right? No one hurt you when you left the island?” Jameson asks softly.
Shaking my head, I feel the familiar trickle of fear down my spine. “No. I found a good family. They took care of me.”
“That’s good. That’s good,” Jameson mumbles, absentmindedly tracing the rim of his cup with a finger.
Jasper squeezes my hand. “Go home and rest, Zara. You said it would still be hours before we hear anything. You just got off work. We’ll call you the moment we get news.”
“No. I’m staying here.”
He gives me a soft smile. “Zara, please don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like you’ve been mourning my brother. You can sleep for a few hours and come back here. We already reserved the suite room.”
“But … but what if?—”
“He’ll make it. Trust him. He’s been through worse. Stab wounds are nothing.”
I want to believe them. I really do. After all, they’re his brothers. But I don’t have it in me to walk away from Alec anymore. I did it once, and it made us both suffer needlessly.
Jameson bumps his elbow to mine. “Go home and think about what you wanna tell him when he wakes up from the anesthesia. I’m guessing things didn’t end well the last time.”
“No. No, it didn’t.” The look of pain on Alec still gives me nightmares.
“We promise we’ll call you the very second we get to speak to his surgeon. Your place isn’t too far from here. Do you need me to drive you? Or… wait, have you eaten lunch?”
“I have. Don’t worry, I can drive myself.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Man, despite everything, I wonder if this is really how it feels to have siblings—older brothers to be specific.
Jasper’s face lights up. “You know, if you can’t sleep, you can always just bake those cupcakes to get your mind off things even for just a few hours.”