Page 60 of Fate (Fate 1)
Vince glanced up the dark street. Lorenzo was long gone. “Is that the only time he saw him?”
Alfonso shrugged. “That’s the only time Junior ever told me about it.”
“Is Cruz still the main guy pushing that shit around here?”
Alfonso nodded. “Since Ray-Ray got locked up, he’s the only one I know of and well now…Enzo.”
Already starting to walk off, Vince tapped Alfonso’s arm. “Let me know if you hear anything else from here on. Text me if you have to.”
Wishing now more than ever that he had his damn car already, he rushed up the street and tried calling Lorenzo. The call went to voicemail. “Enzo, get your ass home now. I need to talk to you.”
He hung up, knowing that his brother would know something was up because Vince rarely got pissed at him. He’d practically spoken through his teeth when he left that message.
As soon as he got home Vince flung his phone on the dresser and started rummaging through Lorenzo’s drawers. If he were dealing or even delivering, he had to have a stash in there somewhere. He stopped a few times to make sure his parents didn’t suddenly get home. They had enough to worry about. He’d take care of this himself.
Just as he pulled the small cigar box from in between Lorenzo’s mattresses, Lorenzo walked in and froze. Vince stared at him and then opened the box. Sure enough, it was full of dime bags of weed. “You dealing, Enzo?”
Standing right up to Vince, his little brother looked him right in the face. “No, I just deliver.”
Vince smacked him upside the head. “Are you f**king stupid? Didn’t you learn anything from when I did this shit? From when we got jumped?”
Lorenzo smoothed his hair, pressing his lips together. “I’m only doing it until I can save up to buy Dino’s bike. He said he’d sell it to me for a couple of grand.”
“First of all,” Vince said shoving Lorenzo aside so that he could close their bedroom door. “You’re not getting a motorcycle. There’s a reason why Dino’s getting rid it. He nearly killed himself on that thing more than once now. Second, I’m taking this shit back to Cruz and letting him know that if I ever find out he gives you anymore of this after I kick your ass, I’m coming after him. You got that?” Vince got right in his face. “I will f**k you up if I ever find out you’re doing something this stupid again.” Vince punched his finger into Lorenzo’s chest. “If you wanna save up for something, you get a f**king job; you don’t do this! And didn’t I tell you to stay away from that ass**le? That he’s nothing but trouble?”
Still standing right up to Vince, nostrils flared and all without taking even one step back, Lorenzo stared at him unwavering. Vince expected no less from his stubborn-ass brother, but he knew best not to argue. “I didn’t get it from Cruz.”
Vince peered at him. “Who’d you get it from?”
Vince stepped back feeling a mixture of anger and betrayal. He’d warned Anita about Cruz and his dealing. Why the hell would she get his brother involved in this shit? He started toward the window with one purpose only: to shove the damn box in her face and tell her never to speak to him or Enzo again.
“Vince, wait! Cruz sent me to her. She didn’t come to me. She didn’t even want me to have it.”
Feeling incensed now, Vince climbed out the window barely taking in what Lorenzo had just said. “You stay here.” Lorenzo started to climb out the window behind Vince, but stopped when Vince got in his face again and spoke through his teeth. “Don’t f**k with me right now, Enzo. Get your ass back in that room and wait for me.”
Lorenzo stared at him hard but wisely backed up and stayed inside. With a few quick jumps Vince was on Anita’s fire escape. He knocked on her window probably louder than he should have, but at the moment he didn’t care if her dad heard. The way he felt right then, he was ready to shred anyone who tried anything on him.
Anita opened the window with a panicked expression. “My dad’s still awake.”
“You gave my brother drugs to deliver?” He shoved the box at her. “After everything I’ve done for you, you’re gonna get my brother involved in your boyfriend’s crap?”
She took the box. “Vince I didn’t want to. I swear,” she spoke in a loud whisper. “Cruz slipped it in my bag, then later called to tell me about it and asked me to hold on to it for him for a day. I told him if he didn’t come get it that day, I was throwing it out. Then Enzo showed up and said they sent him to pick it up.”
“That’s bullshit! You know I wouldn’t want him mixed up with this stuff. Why didn’t you tell me?”
She turned to look at her bedroom door then back at him. “You’re never around anymore, and I couldn’t call you because I haven’t had money to add minutes to my phone. I’m sorry. He made it sound like you knew and were okay with it. But I was still going to run it past you the very next time I saw you.”
Her bedroom door flung open, and Vince jumped out of view pushing his back against the wall.
“Who are you talking to?” her father asked.
Vince’s heart had already been pounding, but now it did for an entirely different reason.
“No one.” He heard Anita say in an all too frightened voice.
“What’s that?”
Vince heard movement then her father spoke again. “What do you mean nothing? What’s in the damn box?” Vince thought he picked up a slight slur in the man’s speech. “Are those cigars? You smoking cigars in here?”