Page 33 of Noah (5th Street 1)
“Because it’s a guy thing right? I wouldn’t—”
“Nah, there’s gonna be other girls there.”
Her stomach dropped and she had a sudden realization. If not tonight, it would happen eventually. Being Noah’s friend meant inevitably having to hear about or see him with other girls—a girlfriend even. Could she really do this? Given that she was ready to scream earlier just thinking about him and the groupies, could she really stand to see him with them? “Oh?”
“Yeah, anytime we get together after fights it’s a pretty big crowd. ‘Course Abel’s only paying for us. But there’s always other girls there too. Even Jack’s going.” He walked around the car keeping his eyes on her the whole time. “You’re going, Roni. I’ll be hurt if you don’t celebrate with me.”
He opened the car door and got in. Veronica exhaled unable to come up with a single reason why she couldn’t go with him and he was right. She should be there to celebrate with him. This was great. His first time back in the ring and he knocks the guy out in the second round.
Feeling a little guilty about not wanting to be there tonight she got in and began putting her seatbelt on.
“So who was the guy you were talking to during the fight? He a friend of yours?”
Veronica glanced at him as she turned on the car and thought about it for a second. “Oh, you mean the guy behind me?” She pulled out of the parking space. “No. I just met him tonight.”
“Is that right?” he said looking out his window. “You make a new friend, Roni?”
“Not really. He’s a fan of yours I guess.” She smiled again, remembering the guy’s enthusiasm. “He went on and on saying you have some major potential.” That got Noah’s attention and he turned to her. “He called it, too. Before the fight even started he said you’d probably knock the guy out early and it would most likely be with your left hook.”
“What else did he say?’
Veronica laughed. She had no idea what it must feel like to have fans but it must feel good. She didn’t blame him for wanting to hear more. “He talked to me even as you were fighting giving me the play by play of what you were doing up there. It was almost cute how into you he was.” She turned to Noah but didn’t seem as happy as she would’ve imagined given what she’d just told him.
“Yeah,” she giggled. “Oh and he even said you seemed a little off your game the second before the guy landed one on you. I almost missed the knock out because I covered my face when you got hit.”
She winced thinking about how her heart had gone to her throat when she saw him get hit and couldn’t bear to watch anymore.
“That’s what happens,” he said staring straight ahead. “When you get distracted even for a moment.”
“What distracted you?”
He looked out his window again and shrugged. “I don’t remember. I just know I lost focus for a second and it almost cost me.”
They reached her house and Veronica freshened up while Noah took a shower. Standing in front of her mirror, she studied herself. Nellie was right; she didn’t look twenty-eight and ever since she’d lost the weight and kept going to the gym she felt fitter and more in shape than she ever had. She wouldn’t tell Noah but the guy sitting behind her had asked if she was Noah’s girl. She’d blushed, telling him she was just a friend but he gave her a knowing look as if he knew better.
Physically she could pass for being around the same age as Noah. She shook her head frowning at herself in the mirror. “Don’t even think about it.”
Noah’s life was just beginning. There was so much he hadn’t even experienced yet and she was sure he was looking forward to it all. The night clubs where he could meet a ton of girls, for example. And the way the guy at the fight spoke of Noah, who knew? By the time he was twenty-one he might even have VIP status at all these clubs. If he had groupies now imagine what his life would be like then.
Veronica didn’t know much about boxing but one thing was for sure, he looked damn good up there—more than good. Like the guy said, he had major potential and he definitely had the heart. His future held so much promise.
She took a deep breath. After witnessing first hand today her reaction to seeing Noah around other girls and they weren’t even involved that way, she knew now without a doubt a romantic relationship was out of the question. And if she wanted to keep their friendship intact—so was a fling.
Having Roni around his friends felt good—damn good. The guys hadn’t even thought it weird when they saw them walk in together. At least they didn’t say anything. The pizzas and pitchers of beer were already there as they took a seat at the table.
Roni seemed uncomfortable at first but as an hour passed, she’d relaxed. Noah took note of how incredibly slowly she sipped her beer. He remembered her drinking her champagne a little faster on Thanksgiving. Maybe beer wasn’t her thing.
Jack had just finished telling them about how back in his day boxing wasn’t the only sport he was good at. Noah had heard the story before but it was a good one so he didn’t mind hearing it again. Jack’s high school basketball team made and won the state championship. Jack always used these kinds of stories and spun them around to include an inspirational twist that would help them in the ring.
“I spun a basketball on my finger for over fifteen minutes just a few weeks ago.” Hector said, biting into a slice of pizza as if that even came close to winning a state championship.