Page 64 of Noah (5th Street 1)
As usual, Nellie did what she always did best—chased all the self doubt away that Roni so easily harbored but there was more to it than just that. “So am I crazy for even considering this?”
Nellie stirred her drink and looked at Veronica very seriously. “What is it you’re considering exactly?”
Veronica shrugged suddenly feeling completely unsure of what she’d so successfully convinced herself earlier. “At first I was completely against the idea of anything between me and him ever happening but now… I don’t know. It doesn’t seem so out of the question.”
“What do you have in mind? I mean if he’s saying he’s in love with you, you really have to be careful what you decide to do here. Are you looking for a relationship with him or are we talking just giving in to your carnal desires?”
Veronica laughed nervously. Saying this out loud made it sound as unrealistic as she originally thought. “He’s a lot more mature than I gave him credit for in the beginning.” She took a sip of her soda contemplating whether she should bring up her real fears. “He’s really sweet and his loyalty is so admirable. His friends mean everything to him.” She really did admire his loyalty. She’d never met anyone quite like him and his friends. Abel looked ready to kill the guy that blindsided Noah. He might’ve too if they hadn’t pulled him off. “Loyal equals trustworthy right?”
“Is that what you’re worried about? If you can trust him?”
Veronica nodded but quickly added. “It’s not like he’s giving me any reason to think that he couldn’t be trusted. And this whole time he’s been living with me all he does is go to work and come straight home. Except for the times he’s gone over to his friends…” She stopped short of telling her about his ride with Rita but of course Nellie was one step ahead of her as usual.
“And what does he do when he goes there?”
“Nothing, he just hangs out.” She met Nellie’s eyes for a second then decided she may as well tell her. She’d already gushed about how wonderful Thanksgiving had been. “Okay the day after Thanksgiving he went over to his friend Gio’s. He said he was just going to hang out. Even now, I don’t expect explanations from him about anything. And things have progressed significantly since, so back then he owed me even less.” She frowned, the emotion she’d felt the night she found out about Rita coming back to her but she held it back. “I found out later he’d slept with Gio’s cousin that day.”
Nellie stared at her but said nothing. She could feel Nellie waiting for her to go on but her voice had caught. She didn’t want Nellie to see how something Noah did over a month ago when they were no more than roommates who hadn’t even touched still hurt.
Finally, Nellie sat up a bit straighter. Veronica expected her to go into some kind of lecture about how that’s what was to be expected from a guy Noah’s age. She was almost hoping for it. If anyone could talk some sense into her, it would be Nellie but instead she reached across the table and touched her hand.
“Honey, I am so sorry that I haven’t been here for you. Obviously, so much has been going on with you and you’ve had no one to share this with.”
Veronica shook her head quickly. “No. I had my chance. The morning we went out for waffles I meant to tell you. I found out about it the night before but I decided not to because I felt stupid. He was just my roommate and—”
“You spent a wonderful holiday with him just the two of you. You said you had moments. It obviously meant a lot to you and I can totally understand why that would be heartbreaking. If I were you, I would’ve been hurt, too. You weren’t being stupid; you were being human.” She squeezed her hand. “Look, the one thing Rick and I have been hearing about for weeks in all these retreats and counseling sessions is that trust is the absolute foundation of a relationship. Without it, you have nothing. What did Noah have to say about sleeping with the girl?”
Veronica shook her head. “I never asked him about it and of course he never offered an explanation. But the girl came back for Christmas and from what his friend said she’s basically his go-to whore during the holidays. I asked him if he would be spending time with her and he said no. Instead, he spent the holidays with me. He was by my side both Christmas Eve and Christmas day, then New Year’s Eve happened.”
“But you still have your doubts?”
“It’s not just her, Nellie. She doesn’t even live nearby. It’s that he’s so much younger and you’ve seen him. The guy can take his pick of any hot girl he chooses. And there’s plenty, like the groupies at his fight. How long will it be before this old lady starts to bore him?”
“Oh get out of here.” Nellie pushed her hand away looking genuinely pissed. “Don’t even start with that crap. You look amazing and Noah certainly seems to agree. Besides this has nothing to do with age or looks anymore. The guy is in love with you. You’ll be beautiful to him now no matter what.”
“Yeah but...” She hated to bring up such a sore subject but Nellie had already done so in a way and Veronica suddenly had to know. “Did Rick ever explain why he almost cheated?”
Instead of looking taken aback like Veronica had expected, Nellie’s expression went from pissed off to satisfied. “I’m glad you brought that up. I was planning on sharing this with you anyway.”
Nellie told her about the many therapy sessions she and Rick had attended. And while she in no way blamed herself for Rick’s indiscretions she did partially fault the fact that she’d given into what the therapist referred to as ‘marriages fine art of denial’. Leading to what she now called ‘Rick’s near miss.’