Page 72 of Noah (5th Street 1)
A smile and a nod was the only response she offered Derek, then added, “text me,” before walking away.
She’d at least pretend to consider it. She told herself once she felt completely comfortable being back at work and her life went back to what she considered the norm, she’d take that plunge and next step with Noah. But considering the speed at which their relationship was progressing that plunge might come a lot sooner than she planned.
One thing was for sure if she did do this with Noah, she was doing it all the way. No keeping their relationship discreet and keeping it a secret from people like Derek. She’d already seen the disapproval from him and he only thought Noah was her roommate. She was sure he wouldn’t be the only one who would be close minded about their relationship. Hell, up until very recently she’d been just as close minded about the possibility as well. But she didn’t care. This was yet another reason why she had to be absolutely sure about it because once she did this there’d be no turning back. Their relationship would be out in the open for everybody to know about. Besides she was certain Noah wouldn’t have it any other way.
Until then she’d hold off giving Derek a solid reason why she couldn’t get together with him anymore. Saying her roommate “the trouble making kid” wouldn’t like it, sounded a little silly. But saying her live-in boyfriend wouldn’t like it, held a lot more weight.
As promised, even though the guys had apparently gone through two of the pizzas already, Noah waited for her to eat. It didn’t surprise her that he wanted to talk before he ate. The guys were now in the front room still munching on pizza as they watched a football game. Noah leaned against the counter as Roni placed a slice of pizza on a paper plate.
“So Dean Kratz is Derek uh?”
“Yeah.” She glanced up at him as she stuck a pepperoni in her mouth. “Like you said—small world. I’m surprised he remembered you out of all the kids he’s dealt with over the years.”
She smiled hoping that would stir up some talk of his troublemaking days. She had to admit she was curious about the drug trafficking comment. Noah was an occasional drinker if that, and she knew drug use wasn’t allowed even in amateur boxing. Noah was verging on the ‘my body is my temple’ type. Though obviously he didn’t take it quite that seriously she just couldn’t see him doing or much less trafficking drugs.
Noah ignored her observation completely and got straight to it. “So what’d he want?”
“To say hello.” She walked over to the fridge and pulled out a can of soda. “You want one?” she asked holding out the can.
“No, I’m good. Did you know he was coming?”
“No.” She popped open the soda and took a swig before setting it down on the counter. “He said he’d been meaning to stop by for a while.”
She wouldn’t encourage an interrogation by offering too much up front but she could understand his concern. Given the fact that he’d allowed her to unleash her questions about Rita when she hadn’t the slightest will to hold them back she’d allow him to ask away, but she’d keep her answers short and to the point.
“So are you two friends again or is there something else I should know?”
She hadn’t even realized her eyes had been glued to her slice of pizza until the change in his tone made her look up at him. “Should know?”
“Yeah, like you planning on picking up where you left off him?”
“No, of course not.” A simple no would’ve sufficed.
Adding the of course not was uncalled for. It confused things and she immediately saw it in his curved lip and suddenly bright eyes. It validated a decision she was yet to make. Not that it was one she wasn’t close to making but this was too fast—too soon. This was a huge life changing decision, that could ultimately break one of the best friendships she’d made since Nellie. She needed more time to think it through.
“So you told him it’s outta the question?”
“He didn’t ask,” she said. “I just don’t have any interest in picking up where we left off.”
And that was the truth right? That was the reason she’d so swiftly and adamantly nixed any idea that she would even consider reconciling with Derek. There may be a bigger reason soon but for now she wanted to make this absolutely clear.
Noah finally pulled himself away from the counter he’d been leaning on. “So if he shows up again,” he said picking up a slice of pizza. “I can kick his geriatric ass to the curb?”
She had to laugh. “Geriatric?”
“Yeah, he’s gotta be pushing fifty right?”
There was an age difference between her and Derek but he wasn’t that much older. She knew where he was going with this. “He’s thirty-six and no you will not be kicking anyone’s ass anywhere.”
“Interesting.” He chewed his pizza as he stared at her for a moment. Though humor laced his eyes there was still that bit of raw intensity she saw earlier when she first walked in from outside. “So he’s eight years older than you?”
She nodded. “Yes.” And Noah was eight years younger than her, not a big difference to him she was sure, but there really was. “But it’s different.”
His eyes opened wide. “Really? Wow, this should be good.” He took another bite of pizza then wiped his mouth. There was a slight kick in his tone now. “Tell me how is you dating guy eight years older different from me dating a woman eight years older?”