Page 3 of Desire
“Great. Based on the information you included in your profile, we already have a few potential matches for you. This interview will be the final deciding factor. Please answer each question honestly and provide as much detail as possible. Everything is being recorded on my laptop.”
She pressed some keys on the laptop before picking up a notebook.
“Ready?” I nodded. “What are the most important values you look for in a partner?”
“I want a partner with integrity who is honest, loyal, kind, caring, and who respects and values my thoughts and opinions.”
“Do you have a preference for your partner's education level or career path?”
“I don’t, as long as he’s comfortable with the path he’s chosen. I am well-educated, so he can’t be intimidated by my level of education.”
“What are two interests or hobbies that you enjoy most?”
“I love to read, and during school breaks, I love to binge-watch seasons of shows.”
“How important are physical attraction and chemistry to you in a relationship?”
“I may be shallow, but you said to be honest. If I don’t find a man physically attractive, I cannot connect on any other level.”
“Do you want children? If so, how many?”
“Yes, and I wanted at least four when I was younger. However, I’ll be getting a late start, so one or two is fine.”
“How do you feel about dating a man with a child or children?”
“I quit law school to become a preschool teacher. I love children and would love them as my own.”
The interview continued for about twenty more minutes. She asked about my interests, hobbies, beliefs, love languages, and more. It was a very thorough process, and I was confident they’d find a perfect match for me.
“That concludes the interview. The next time you hear from us, it will be to let you know we found a match and to tell you your wedding date.”
“Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.”
The couple walked me out, and we shook hands again before saying goodbye. When I stepped out of the building, I released a breath I felt like I’d been holding during the whole interview. Once inside my car, I called my sisters.
“Are you married already?” Destinee asked as soon as the call connected.
“No, I’m not married, but hopefully, I will be soon.”
“You are truly certifiable,” Dream declared.
“Shut up!”
“She’s not wrong,” Destinee cosigned.
“That’s easy for you two to say. You both have been married for years and have families. The mindset of men these days is depressing. I know y’all have seen those podcast niggas who have nothing positive to say about Black women. It’ll take a miracle for me to find the right man in these conditions.”
“Oh my God, Desire! You act like you’re an old maid. You have plenty of—” Dream started.
“I don’t have plenty of time if that’s what you were going to say. My biological clock is ticking, and I don’t want to be a first-time mom in my forties. I always see them picking up their toddlers from preschool, and they look tired.”
Neither of them spoke for a minute, and I hoped they were digesting my words.
“I researched the company, and they seem really good at what they do. The couples' testimonials were very inspiring,” Destinee said.
“I told you they have a ninety-seven percent success rate.”