Page 42 of Desire
When we made it home, Aziel began getting Azaria ready for bed. While he did that, I ran myself a bubble bath. About an hour later, I glanced up and saw him leaning against the bathroom door frame.
“Why are you creeping up on people?”
“I’m not creeping up on people. I’m creeping up on my wife.”
“Ria in bed?”
“She was asleep before I finished the first page of the book she chose. What do you do with preschool students that has them exhausted by the end of each day?”
His question reminded me of how my day ended, and I sighed at the thought.
“Everything I can think of to keep their minds stimulated. Hopefully, I can continue to share my gift at another school.”
He entered the bathroom and began to undress.
“Have you ever thought about opening your own school?”
“No, it’s never crossed my mind. I enjoy being in the classroom.”
“If you ever change your mind, let me know. I’d be more than happy to invest in you.”
“Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind. What are you doing?”
“You mind if I join you?”
“Don’t you think you should have asked before you got naked?”
“I’m asking now.”
He sat on the other end of the jacuzzi tub, not waiting for me to give him permission. With his legs placed on the outside of my body, he took one of my feet and began to massage it.
“Mmm, that feels good, baby.”
I let my head fall back onto the bath pillow and closed my eyes.
“Are you feeling better about today?”
“It is what it is. I’ll take this weekend to process and jump back out there on Monday. It’s some bullshit, but it’s not the end of the world.”
“I like that attitude.” He released my foot to give some attention to the other. “It’s not like you have to worry about money. I got you for whatever you need.”
I opened my eyes and lifted my head. His eyes soothed my soul as his hands worked to relieve my stress from the day. They spoke to me in ways that made me feel safe, secure, protected, appreciated, and… loved.
Love may have been a bit of a stretch because our relationship was new. We were still learning about each other and figuring out how to maneuver our new life together. It may not have been love just yet, but Aziel liked me a lot, and I felt the same way about him.
“I appreciate you, and if you keep looking at me like that, I’ll have to show you just how much.”
“You don’t have to do a damn thing to show me your appreciation, but I’ll never stop you.”
I removed my foot from his hand and placed my feet on either side of his body, opening my legs before easing forward. He palmed my ass, bringing me closer as he squeezed each cheek. Our bodies were close enough for my breasts to brush his chest while my center pressed against his nut sack.
“Since we said I do, you’ve paid movers to finish moving my things from my apartment and paid off the lease, paid off my car and bought me a brand new one, and paid off my credit cards and school loans. For the first time in my adult life, I’m debt-free.”
“I told you I’d do what I could to make your life easier. You didn’t believe me?”
“It wasn’t that I didn’t believe you. I didn’t know to what extent you’d go to make it happen. You’ve gone above and beyond to show me that my happiness is important to you. I want to do the same for you.”
“You do.”