Page 45 of Desire
“I hope so. Thanks for your insight, Ma. What’s for dinner tomorrow?”
“It’s about time you bring my daughter-in-law around to get to know her new family,” Ma said before we could enter the house.
“Woman, cut me some slack. We’re here now, so don’t scare her away.”
My entire family filled my parents’ house, and I must admit, it felt good to be in their presence. The last time we were together was when I announced I was getting married. After greetings, hugs, and introductions were made, my father manned the grill while everyone else gathered in the backyard on the large deck.
It was the first time my nephews and nieces had met Desire. My nephews said a few polite words to her and went to play basketball in the driveway. However, it seemed my nieces had fallen in love with her already and wouldn’t leave her side. Azaria noticed the way her new cousins had taken to Desire and made sure they knew their place. I was tickled by her possessiveness.
“Ria, you don’t love Titi anymore?” my sister, Alaina, asked with her lip poked out, pretending to be sad.
Aside from the initial greeting, Azaria hadn’t given her aunt the time of day. Usually, Alaina was Azaria’s favorite person.
“I love Titi and Miss Chammies,” she replied.
“What about Gamma?” my mother asked.
“I love Gamma and Miss Chammies.”
She was already sitting on Desire’s lap, and she turned to embrace her in case my mother and sister weren’t clear on who her favorite person was.
“You don’t want to sit with me?” Alaina pressed.
“No, I sit with Miss Chammies.”
“Desire, what have you done to my niece? I used to be her favorite person outside of my brother.”
“Azaria has always been more attached to me than my other students. When I found out Aziel was a single father, I figured she sought attention from a mother figure. I would never admit this at work, but I always gave her a little extra love to make up for what she may have been missing.”
“You have a loving spirit. I felt that as you walked down the aisle,” my mother said.
“Az, are you sure you didn’t pull some strings to be matched with her?” Alaina asked.
“That would’ve been impossible. I had no idea she’d completed a profile with Arranged Hearts. God was the mastermind of this union,” I responded to my sister.
“But you were checking for her before all this went down, weren’t you?” AJ asked.
“Do you see my wife? Hell yeah I was checking for her. She paid no mind to my advances.”
“Word on the street was that your brother got around. I was attracted to him but wasn’t trying to become one of many,” Desire said.
“How did you feel when you saw him at the altar?” AJ asked.
“I was shocked and relieved, if that makes sense. My nerves were already all over the place, and I still couldn’t believe I’d decided to go through the process. Seeing a familiar face at the altar settled my nerves, but I was also concerned if he would take this seriously. I didn’t want to be made to look like a fool.”
“I wouldn’t do you like that, baby,” I assured her.
“What about you, baby bro? Were you nervous about who you’d match with?” AJ continued.
“I wasn’t because I had faith. God wouldn’t do me wrong when I was trying to do right. I knew it was her before I saw her. The sound of her voice, the scent of her perfume, and how my body reacted told me. God did His big one when He matched us.”
I leaned to my right and placed a kiss on Desire’s temple as she blushed. Agreeing to marry someone you had never met could be disastrous, and I was grateful that wasn’t our story. So far, marriage had been blissful, and I’d do my best to keep it that way.
“I applied at a few schools today, Mama.”
“Good. I can’t believe they fired you for getting married. Are you sure you can’t sue them? That seems unfair.”
“Baby, rules are rules. I disagree with those rules, but she signed the contract, which means she has to follow them,” my father chimed in.