Page 49 of Desire
“What did I say that makes you think I don’t want another term?”
“I just thought?—”
“What you think doesn’t matter when I’m telling you what it is. Regardless of how our union started, that’s my wife. This shit is as real as it gets.”
“If you say so. You married a virtual stranger, so you’d better watch your back. You don’t know her, and?—”
“They told me we can come back,” Desire announced upon entering my office.
My wife didn’t try to hide her dislike for Tammy. The look she gave her said everything that needed to be said.
“Daaddyy!” Azaria squealed as she ran into my arms.
“Hey, baby girl. You ready for lunch?”
“Yes, Daddy. Look, Daddy. I wear a dress like Miss Chammies.”
“I see that, and you both look beautiful.”
“Hey, Ria. You’re getting so big,” Tammy said. “Can I have a hug?”
Azaria had never taken a liking to Tammy, which was one of the reasons I never asked her to pick Azaria up from school when I was running behind. My daughter frowned at Tammy’s extended arms as she leaned into me.
“I see you’re still a little meanie,” Tammy continued when Azaria didn’t show her any love.
“No, she’s not mean at all. It’s called discernment. She knows bad energy when she feels it,” Desire said.
Tammy gasped. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means?—”
“Baby, let’s get out of here,” I interrupted before Desire hurt Tammy’s feelings.
I kissed my wife’s forehead before taking her hand and guiding her out of my office. Once outside, she tried to snatch away from me, but I wasn’t having that. I put Azaria on her feet and held her hand. I didn’t want her in the middle of our conversation.
“The hell is wrong with you?” I questioned in a low but firm voice.
“I don’t like her.”
“What does that have to do with me?”
“She works for you.”
“Her working for me warrants you giving me attitude?”
“I heard her talking shit about me when we walked in, and you didn’t defend me.”
“Had you come in a few seconds sooner, you would’ve heard me telling her what it is between us. I’ll check her ass again when I get back just to drive the point home.”
“You better.”
“Don’t ever snatch away from me again, Desire. You hurt my feelings. Gimme a kiss and make me feel better.”
“Aww, poor baby. I didn’t mean to hurt your little feelings.”
“You know what ain’t little?” I discreetly put her hand on my dick, and her eyes widened before she looked around to see if anyone was watching.
She tried to hide her smile as she tilted her head back and pressed her lips against mine.