Page 70 of The Feral Alpha
“Text from Jag. Welcome to our chat, Rex,” the phone read. “Here’s to a great friendship.”
Rex grinned, feeling like maybe he wasn’t a disappointment after all. “Thank. Thank you.”
Jag reached over and pulled him into a light, sideways hug. “We’ll see you again soon. There’s still so much for you to learn.”
Rex nodded eagerly. He needed to get better. He needed to protect Olson the best he could.
He helped with rolling up the mats. Storm gave him a shoulder bump, and Fury nodded at Rex. Then the Danger Alphas were gone, and Rex hurried back into the Wine Shack, buzzing with excitement.
“Better fight,” he told Olson, crowding Olson up against the wall.
“Mmm,” Olson said against his lips. “You’re fighting better now? Wait. Wash your hands first. I don’t know what you touched out there.”
Rex followed him to the employee restroom, where they both washed their hands.
“Training went well?” Olson asked.
Rex showed Olson the new group chat on his phone. Olson raised his eyebrows. Then he smiled, his face lighting up.
“I’m glad you’re making friends,” Olson said warmly. “Even though you had to let them all know what we do in bed.”
“Mine. No steal.” Rex hooked his fingers in Olson’s belt loops. “Mate now?”
“Later,” Olson promised, but he let Rex push his tongue into his mouth several times. “Lunch hour is starting soon. Speaking of. Did Jag and the others leave already? I was going to offer them lunch!”
Rex handed Olson his phone; Olson tapped a quick message to the Danger Alphas. Then Olson slid the phone back into Rex’s pocket, and tiptoed to press their mouths together.
“Just another minute,” Olson whispered.
Rex wanted to recite his pickup line to Olson. But between training and the text messages, he’d forgotten most of the words.
Later. He’d practice again, and impress Olson later.
Olson disappeared toward late afternoon.
Rex had been patiently waiting for his omega to be done with office work, because Olson had asked not to be disturbed. But Olson had allowed Rex to text him; he’d even texted back each time.
Except Olson hadn’t replied for a while now.
Rex growled at his phone. Then he felt bad for growling because his phone still had that picture of him and Olson when he unlocked it.
When Emmy and Aaren wandered past, Rex threw his arm out to catch their attention. “Where Olson?”
Aaren tripped over his own feet. “I thought you knew?”
Rex scowled. “Office. But...” He shook his phone. “No more text.”
“Hmm.” Emmy seemed thoughtful. “C’mon, let’s go look. Maybe he’s still in there.”
The three of them made their way to the back of the Wine Shack, where Olson’s office door was closed. Emmy knocked lightly on the door. Then he opened it very quietly, and poked his head in.
Rex peeked over the top of Emmy’s head. His chest squeezed.
Olson had slumped over on his desk, his cheek flattened against some papers. He looked like he was sleeping.